Exercise World Records

1495 Records Found

02:16 Scotland

Longest Time Carrying A 100-Pound Z-Bell Above Head Using Right Hand While Standing On Left Foot

William Cannon

William Cannon carried a 100-pound Z-bell above his head for 3.59 seconds using his right hand while standing on his left foot.

02:01 Australia

Longest Time Holding A 3.2-Kilogram Sledgehammer At Arm's Length Using Right Arm

Joseph Smith

Joseph S. held a 3.2-kilogram sledgehammer at arm's length using his right arm for one minute, 44.81 seconds.

03:10 Scotland

Longest Time Holding A 80-Pound Z-Bell Above Head Using Right Hand

William Cannon

William Cannon held a 80-pound Z-bell over his head using his right hand for 41.95 seconds.

06:27 Scotland

Longest Time Carrying A 561-Pound Barbell (Athlete Over 47 Years Old)

William Cannon

William Cannon carried a 561-pound barbell for 7.12 seconds. He is 48 years old.

03:09 Scotland

Longest Time Holding A 100-Pound Z-Bell Above Head Using Right Hand

William Cannon

William Cannon held a 100-pound Z-bell over his head using his right hand for 15.78 seconds.

02:54 Scotland

Longest Time Carrying A 45-Pound Z-Bell Above Head Using Left Hand While Riding A Stationary Cycle

William Cannon

William Cannon carried a 45-pound Z-bell above his head for 55.67 seconds using his left hand while riding a stationary cycle.

01:27 Sweden

Heaviest Deadlift Using Index Fingers (Athlete Over 50 Years Old)

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy Ohlund performed a deadlift with a barbell weighing 70 kilograms using both of his index fingers. He is over 50 years old.

07:58 United States

Most High Knee Jump Push-Ups In Eight Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 112 high knee jump push-ups in eight minutes.

04:01 United States

Most High Knee Jump Push-Ups In Four Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 71 high knee jump push-ups in four minutes.

03:00 United States

Most High Knee Jump Push-Ups In Three Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 60 high knee jumps in three minutes.

10:01 United States

Most High Knee Jump Push-Ups In 10 Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 134 high knee jump push-ups in 10 minutes.

05:00 United States

Most High Knee Jump Push-Ups In Five Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 84 high knee jump push-ups in five minutes.

15:24 United States

Most High Knee Jump Push-Ups In 15 Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 182 high knee jump push-ups in 15 minutes.

02:43 Bangladesh

Most Knuckle Push-Ups With One Leg Raised In One Minute While Carrying An 18-Kilogram Weight On Back

hanzala musa

Hanzala Musa performed 31 knuckle push-ups with one leg raised in one minute while carrying an 18-kilogram weight on his back.

00:56 United States

Longest One-Arm Archer Flexed Bar Hang

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed a one-armed archer flexed bar hang for 53.28 seconds.

04:01 United States

Most Two-Armed One-Legged Leaping Mountain Climber Exercises In Four Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 204 two-armed one-legged leaping mountain climber exercises in four minutes.

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