Exercise World Records

1495 Records Found

00:48 United States

Most Double Bar Flexed Hang Knee Tucks In A Row With 51-Pound Weights On Each Ankle

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 48 double bar flexed hang knee tucks in a row with 51-pound weights on each of her ankles.

20:03 India

Fastest Time To Complete 1000 Arm Stretches On Both Sides

Suman Singh

Suman Singh completed 1,000 arm stretches on both sides of his body in 19 minutes, 25.00 seconds.

02:03 The Internet

Most One-Armed Clapping Push-Ups On Each Side

Tyler Decker

Tyler Decker performed a total of 62 one-armed clapping push-ups on each side.

00:46 The Internet

Most Consecutive Wrist Chin-Ups

Tyler Decker

Tyler Decker performed 17 wrist chin-ups.

08:08 United States

Most Opposite Arm And Leg Leaping Mountain Climbers In Five Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 95 opposite arm and leg leaping mountain climber exercises in five minutes.

00:58 United States

Most 185-Pound Preacher Curls

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. performed 19 consecutive 185-pound preacher curls.

00:18 The Internet

Most Consecutive One-Legged Straight Arm Push-Ups

Adel Khalil

Adel K. performed 11 one-legged, straight arm push-ups.

01:37 United States

Most Calf Raises Using A 1000-Pound Weight On A Leg Press Machine

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. performed 89 calf raises using a leg press machine with 1000 pounds of weight racked.

01:44 United States

Most Calf Raises Using A 950-Pound Weight On A Leg Press Machine

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. performed 93 calf raises using a leg press machine with 950 pounds of weight racked.

00:52 United States

Most Right Arm Curls Using A 170-Pound Weight On A Nautilus Machine

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. performed five right arm curls using a nautilus machine with 170 pounds of weight racked.

00:35 The Internet

Most Full Extension Knuckle Push-Ups While Supported By Parallel Wooden Fence Rails

Adel Khalil

Adel K. performed 10 full extension knuckle push-ups while supporting himself between using the rails of a parallel wooden fence.

00:29 The Internet

Most Front Drop Exercises On A Trampoline In One Minute


Leon performed 46 consecutive front drops on a trampoline in one minute.

00:11 The Internet

Most Consecutive Full Extension Knuckle Push-Ups

Adel Khalil

Adel K. performed 10 full extension knuckle push-ups.

00:10 The Internet

Most Full Extension Push-Ups On Sides Of Fists While Supported By Wooden Fence Rails

Adel Khalil

Adel K. performed 12 full extension push-ups on sides of fists while supporting himself between parallel rails on a wooden fence.

00:25 Mexico

Heaviest Stone Shoulder Pressed

Manuel herlo

Manuel H. performed a shoulder press using a 130-kilogram (286.60 pound) stone.

04:31 Germany

Most Kettlebell Swings On A Floating Paddleboard In 4.5 Minutes

Patrik Faatz

Patrik performed 160 kettlebell swings on a floating paddleboard in four minutes, 30.00 seconds.

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