Highest Score In

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Highest Score In "FreeCell"

The Internet

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SAlvador, Bahia, Brazil / December 31, 2011

Erick Garcia scored 461 wins in 462 games of [FreeCell][1]. [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FreeCell

- must follow RecordSetter video game rules
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Tags: gaminggamehighestscoringFreeCell

  • The Internet Sydney Dean

    Don't know about streaks, but....i've solved 80 to 100 games under two minutes, that's my HR. haha...Lowest i think...was 1.03 Awhile back i discovered 'the hand-off) in other rows in a big way....it's fun....a million ways to win. Later champs, :-)

  • The Internet Robert Mcdowell

    My wins 18489, played 18581 99%

  • The Internet Scott drohn

    My dad is at 1700 99% win


    great, congratulations

  • The Internet Clifford ledford

    My pops, Has 8,695 games played and 8,695 won. Win percentage 100%

  • The Internet Patrick Day

    Is Free cell truly random? If so there are 52! (52Factorial) games to be played. Let's get busy. For those who've forgotten high school math, that's a VERY larger number



  • United States James E

    My Dad has 14100 with no losses.

  • The Internet Robinson Jeff

    I've played 6,394 games on expert level and won 6,392. The only 2 losses were because my computer restarted when I had a game open. I could stage an impossible deal, but I don't think it exists.

  • The Internet J Li

    31938 solved in 31:19

  • The Internet J Li

    solved 31465 in 4:23

  • The Internet J Li

    13007 just solved in 9:55 sec

  • The Internet J Li

    8591 solved in 13 minutes. I find the test of free cell is winning the games with no undos.

  • The Internet Riley McLincha

    http://www.solitairelaboratory.com/fclists.html Thsi list show 6) Laura Ross of Omaha, Nebraska played all 32,000 deals, solving all but five of the deals (8591, the impossible 11982, 13007, 31465, and 31938). She found 617 and 1941 the most difficult of those she solved.

    • The Internet Riley McLincha

      Myself I have won every game from 1-25,000 excluding 11982 which is impossible. This is using FREECELL CLASSIC not the version I'm seeing here. I tried the new version, found it too slow. Had to find old version and install. Of course when doing this the WINs and losses reset to zero. But I do have excel file with amount of time to win each of the 25,000 games.

    • The Internet J Li

      Screen Shot 2020-10-25 at 8.59.06 PM.png. solved naturally.

    • The Internet J Li

      I am thinking the game numbers must be unique. Just to verify, I went to 11982 again and solved it in 3:23. Can anyone offer an explanation? thanks

  • The Internet Jaylah

    I'm currently at 455 out of 455. So this is no great "record." And the truth is that there is no unwinnable deal in Freecell.

    • The Internet Riley McLincha

      You don't think so? Try 11982. It never has been solved. Only one in a million that is unsolvable.

  • The Internet bob regner

    I did 104 and got bored!

  • The Internet Katzenberger, Michael

    It took me 6 weeks to reach 3815 wons (100 %) Think I Need 8 more weeks to reach 10.000 wins by 100 % Mike the cat (Germany)

  • The Internet Katzenberger, Michael

    I`m at 3815 wons by 100 % - it takes me 6 - 8 more weeks to reach 10.000 wons by 100% Mike the Cat (Germany)

  • Philippines MaAnn P.

    Moving forwards, we will be phasing out photo submissions of gaming records. Please shoot a video of your final screen to avoid any debate re: manipulated images.

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