Record Broken!

See Current

Most Facebook Pokes



Norrköping, Östergötland, Sweden / January 16, 2012

Kjell Edgarsson received 2,024 Facebook pokes.

- must follow RecordSetter Facebook criteria
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostcomputercollectionTechFacebookpoke

  • The Internet Gabby dior

    I will poke my bf a million times if not two million

  • The Internet Gabby dior

    That will be broken I’m boke my boyfriend a million times

  • The Internet Márkus Csaba

    We will broke ur record bitch

  • The Internet Computer World

    Congratulation For participating

  • The Internet Bill Misner

    The Native American Facebook Poke World Record was Set by Nora Adolph Poking Bill Misner 1963-times on October 16, 2017!

  • The Internet Tom

    I honestly believe that this is a false record in order to poke that many times you would have to poke 273.9 times a day for 10 years straight without missing any days or times I find that hard to believe even for people who don't have a life

  • The Internet leslieredaway

    me and my friend are gonna beat the record for sure

  • The Internet leslieredaway

    me and my friend are gonna beat the record for sure

  • The Internet Doreen DeAngelo

    I came across these record setters , I personally cant believe that this is all to life you all have ! I'm just wondering , do any of you work or go to school ? I have a question do your life's revolve around getting POKED on Facebook. Please take a good look at yourself and your life , is this all you have to do with your time ? If it is, seriously try not to be on Facebook as much and realize that getting POKED should not be a record you are trying to set. I can't even believe that Facebook pay people to find out who has gotten poked the most and set a record. Wow ! Really come on now, I enjoy Facebook to see how my friends are and l like seeing their pictures but it kind of ends there. I also comment on there post and hit like , I never thought of how many times I liked something. I seriously believe this is all turning into a addiction for some , then I'm not going to get into the Facebook stalkers.I need to say this i know someone who actually will check their Facebook account if she wakes up in the middle of the night! This person is always on others timeline and checks out peoples friends list yes that's why its there I know. You would have to know her, because she is nosey and afraid she will miss something. She also friend requests people she don't know because someone else is friends with them . I know that most of this is what Facebook is all about but there is a limit to what and how you look at the whole idea of the site. I feel that there is a fine line between being nosey and enjoying what is going on with others. I hope I don't sound harsh but "it is what it is".

  • United States Zidartha Boquilla

    Let me look at it some more. I actually looked at it once.

  • The Internet Lee tacos

    Up to 2,376 poke with my cousin

  • United States Zidartha Boquilla


  • United States Zidartha Boquilla

    Ah yes here it is... I was the furst person to ever reach 1,000 pokes officially. I got the certified certificate to prove it. Can any one in here say they have proof?

  • United States aggressiveWarrior

    I'm gonna try n' beat this record, I'll debate wether to hit 1million or just 300,000

  • England Rob Abdul

    Jason, well done buddy. I allowed the USA to keep the record for a good few weeks. Time we had our share of the record on this side of the pond in sunny ENGLAND!

  • The Internet Hlfriesz

    Why does my pokes reset,? I had 1000 and then it reset. I had 340 then it reset and my last time I had 145 and then it rest, why is this still happening ?

  • The Internet Mihail David

    Update, 12 January 2015. Poke doesnt show how many pokes i have anymore :( this is sad

  • The Internet Bill Rhodes

    It looks like Facebook has lifted the limit of pokes. I just did 2000 in one setting and it still let us keep our count.

  • The Internet Patti Ochs-Dudow

    how to do poke more than once?

  • The Internet Luc Lefebvre

    4744 with my girlfriend at the moment!

  • The Internet Vicki Dawn

    So facebook are the ones that reset the pokes if you poke someone more than 250 topi Mels in a row that's bs

  • The Internet Vicki Dawn

    Me and aaron Brodie have nearly 5,000 pokes

  • The Internet Shayne Milletics

    Me and my cousin are up to 1,291. We plan to beat the record

  • The Internet Mike Jensen

    Me and a friend were over 3700 and it reset to 0 today! ;(

  • The Internet Victoria Gargett

    Just had a thought, I'm sure I saw on google how to change the number of friends request you have, or change number of notifications, if this is so then what's to say anyone can easily break the record. I'm up to 238 just one on one, but last night I was up to 39 with a friend, it reset to 0 and I wondered if any tech geeks could tell me why this happened, could I have pressed the X then it reset, I don't want to lose my score. Please would someone respond ASAP.

    • The Internet Bill Rhodes

      any time either one of you hit x it will reset 2 0. any time either one of you hit the , it will reset you both to 0

  • Netherlands Marijn Bouman

    We are just past the 700. But we are still going on!

  • The Internet Victoria Gargett

    Personally I think this challenge is a bit unfair, as obviously you get more pokes with more friends, I'm only up to 101 with just one friend. Guess we've got some catching up to do!!

  • The Internet Sean Schofield

    We're at 2013 and still going

  • The Internet Sean Schofield

    I have done 2013 so far

  • The Internet Christian Sampson

    A friend and i are at 1,677 each

  • The Internet Abdellah Chabane

    Comment moderated

  • The Internet Caitlyn May

    A friend and I would have nearly 3000 if our counter would stop resetting itself. :-(

    • The Internet Honesty Honeyman

      at what number does it start resetting?

    • The Internet GRIM Reaper

      None, Someone closed it instead of poking back.

    • The Internet Caitlyn May

      Would reset a little after 2000. Did that twice! But we're over 3200 now. Hopefully it won't reset again... ugh.

  • The Internet Graydon Vest

    A friend and I ate at 810 after just 2 weeks of poking

  • The Internet obinna

    i have been on a continous POKE with my cousin since 2008, then it was not counted by facebook. but this year which they started counting it, we are at 420pokes

  • The Internet Michelle Goodeill

    So, what is the record for number of pokes between two people?

    • United States Jenn Wark

      There isn't one -- it would be an entirely new category.

  • The Internet Katherine Loman

    we started in December... Dec 23 to be exact. lol

  • The Internet Katherine Loman

    my best friend and i are almost at 700 pokes ;)

  • United States Anali Hernandez

    What's the score for highest pokes bewteen TWO people??.. Me and my friend are at 500 pokes

    • United States Jenn Wark

      That would be an entirely new category and I don't think there is a score for that yet -- feel free to submit it (make sure you read up on the Facebook submission criteria at

    • United States Anali Hernandez

      Awesome thank you so much:)

    • The Internet Jillian H

      A friend and I are at 886 currently. :)

    • The Internet Adrian TheUndertaker

      My friend and another friend just reached 2,000 pokes between just them.

    • The Internet Caitlyn May

      My friend james and i are at 3292 pokes. :)

  • The Internet That'Crazy Rock'Star

    Me and one of ma bestie just hit 200 today :-)

  • The Internet McKayla Vad

    My friend and I are almost to 120

  • The Internet Evangeline Scout

    I got 31 :P

  • The Internet Chance Nunn

    A group of us would like to attempt to break this record, in honor of, and to bring recognition to, a missing child. How do we get started? How are pokes tallied?

  • England Lisa Sharp

    I had 74 today :-)

  • The Internet Destiny Roman

    No, my friend has one hundred and five...What's the REAL record.

  • The Internet Gemma Hill

    I have 14

  • The Internet Gemma Hill

    wow! how many tho?

  • United States Lindsay Louise

    i had a similar problem matt.... but mine stopped going down after about a month. i stopped poking people for a bit so maybe you should too. also good job!

  • United States Zidartha Boquilla

    enter image description here

  • The Internet Gin Sing

    i will one up this.

  • The Internet Matt Summers

    i am a recent record holder of this and i just want to say my facebook pokes reached 2,457 and then started decreasing.. i lost hundreds a day and am currently on 1,470.. this must be some bug on facebook? has anyone else had this problem? but nether the less, i am not complaining! excellent video evidence, well done. : )

  • The Internet Rose Rusty

    Woot woot woot, you did it Kjell

  • The Internet Linda Williams


  • The Internet Adorabelle Love

    happy dance 4 Kjell

  • The Internet Fira Loxy

  • The Internet Connie Zoo


  • The Internet Shannon Lyne

    "WOOT" "WOOT" Congrats KJell!

  • The Internet Tonie Lansdell

    WTG Kjell x x

  • The Internet Abella Love


  • The Internet Isra Arif

    Well done! But just to warn you all, this record will be mine someday.

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Bravo Lindsay, bravo.

  • United States Jennifer Wark

    Excellent evidence, Lindsay!

  • United States Lindsay Louise

    Hi guys, for the past 24 hours, despite the fact that I've continued to poke people my total number of pokes isn't going up. My facebook is for some reason not registering any new pokes. Has anyone had a similar problem/does anyone know what I could do to fix this?

  • Philippines MaAnn P.

    great job, lindsay! (^_^)b

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    2nd'd - as record category creator I quite happy to see video evidence myself.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    I agree with Jennifer. At long last, nice to see video evidence in this category!

  • United States Jennifer Wark

    ...and good, too!

  • United States Jennifer Wark

    Looking god with video evidence now -- well done!

  • United States Jennifer Wark

    Nice, but can you provide video evidence or a link to your public Facebook page so we can verify? Thanks!

  • United States Lindsay Louise

    woops! just realized I submitted my attempt twice. sorry.

  • United States Zidartha Boquilla

    AHHH.... URDB! Feels good to be back =) I was beginning to miss you guys (tear drop) =p

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    There's a missing comma on the number. All other records with 1,000 pokes have a comma. Sincerely, Detective Dan.

  • The Internet Layla Thakkar

    this could be fake!

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Erin and Matt (and others): In an attempt to discourage questionable submissions in this category, we just added criteria that insists upon video evidence. Instead of just a screen grab, please shoot your computer monitor on video and send ALL future submissions in this manner.

  • The Internet Matt Summers

    I Actually got 1 more poke after i Print Screened it. hahaha If this is too far away to check let me know. I will zoom in a bit. But i get a couple of pokes a day so i will break it again. Thank you -Matt summers

  • Canada Darryl Learie

    I would not make it it my place to call fowl on a record - I'll leave that to the moderators.

    But, what I can say is that I was questioned on a few proofs concerning one of my records before it was verified, and as a consequence I spent about a week and a half submitting more proofs - So I know that some records have been proven behind the scenes where it's simply not possible to post all the proofs in a video or picure. :D

  • Philippines MaAnn P.

    Angus' submission was already denied. URDB is credible and it takes pride of its accuracy and lets the community decide whether one should be called a record or not. In this case, it's unanimous, we all agreed Angus' screenshot was too suspicious. Record is given back to Zidartha

  • United States Lindsay Louise

    this is actually pissing me off so much. like can you please remove him Rob/whoever made this. or at least ask him to have actual proof? Its sort of ridiculous. i totally see the conspiracy theory. its a shame though, it takes some validity away from the website...

  • United States Zidartha Boquilla

    lol I so Agree with you Lindasay!!!! =) You know what I think? It's a conspiracy! He's probably related to one of the dudes who controls this association.

  • United States Lindsay Louise

    Hi guys! I think I have found proof that Angus is faking. In his comment he stated: "i am currently a little over 1,000,000,000 and currently sitting at 41,000 friend requests." and yet in the snapshot he only has 21 friend requests. Is it logical that after 111855 pokes he only has 21 friend requests? Not at all. I personally am at about 600 pokes and have 94 friend requests just so you have something to compare to. Also are we to believe that only 41,000 friend requests came from having 1 BILLION pokes? and ps: a billion. You honestly believe that?

  • United States Lindsay Louise

    You don't have time to post a video and yet you've had time to get 700 pokes in the last 4 days? The amount of sense that makes is overwhelming.... Could we please remove this guy again until he can prove himself (unlikely). Also angus: How can you poke 1080 people in 3 hours? Doesn't facebook block you after about 300 pokes?

  • The Internet Jennifer Marie

    super fake Angus!

  • United States Zidartha Boquilla

    oh and another thing... Angus... you clearly need to work on your reading skills. You haven't beaten me not even once. READ it says, "This submission is under review and needs further evaluation." Ha! You are now rocking with the best! Young Zee!

  • United States Zidartha Boquilla

    Dude I don't poke people, they poke me haha. Second of all... your photoshop pic is hilarious! I can submit a poke record with a million poked the way you did it... but I wont. Why? Cause I'm real. Submit a video and stop fronting.

  • The Internet Angus Cooper

    THANK YOU Dan! if you can just remove this post or have an option for FACEBOOK ACCOUNT HACKED, i lost all my pokes sometime yesterday evening or early this morning.....its been a blast NOW GOTTA START OVER SIGHS the currrent holder ZIDARTHA i will beat you again before the 1st of march SO GET POKING! ( i can poke 1080 ppl in 3hours been poking since 9:48am and already at 786 pokes........i will be back ....but let me know what you can do about this photo or if it can be removed ......i'm so sad

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Angus, we hear you loud and clear. Thanks for such an intensive response. We're going to revert the Denied decision and recognize your record, though we ask that you do send us video evidence as soon as possible to question all the skeptics.

  • The Internet Angus Cooper

    dan and rob, im not quite sure how you being my friend would show validity??? a video i am working on getting a camera, my ipod and samsung touch screen camera show really blurry.....this is an old screen capture using fn prt scr i am currently a little over 1,000,000,000 and currently sitting at 41,000 friend requests......i have a 153 friends....that i know personally or family...i work my way up the list adding one request poke them and ALL THEIR FRIENDS, then delete and move onto the next.......FIGURE I AD THIS BECAUSE OF DISBLIEF MY WIFE CAN VOUCH FOR ME, COUSIN, MOTHER, 4 FRIENDS, RANDOM TATTOO CLIENTS, oops sorry about caps......if read this far give me some time for the video as i have bills, car payments, children, wife, myself and 9 dogs, i have some great friends that do help ALOT on getting me pokes also...before facebook cahnged sercurity i was able to poke myself so i took that option before you could click your profile earase hhtp; THEY SINCE CHANGED THAT A YEAR AGO.........SORRY FOR ANY CONFUSHION AND ''ALTERATIONS'' OR MISLEADING IF YOU CHOOSE TO DENY, THAT IS FINE, I WOULD GIVE EMAIL AND PASSWORD ONLY IF A MONEY SITUATIOIN WAS TO BE INVOLVED FOR A SUM OF MORE THEN $10,000 AS THIS IS PART OF MY BUCKET LIST ...........plan to be a dead man in 80 some odd years figure why not poke back everyone after i am dead so i get pokes and poke each day for 3 hours which i can average 6 ppl a minute, which adds to 1080 ppl in 3 return i average about about 560 to 700 a day give or take that is including the ones i recieve from friends of friends spreading yeah you can add me but you got a long long line of waiting unless it is a for sure poke with no blocking aftewards. im only on this shiznit for the poke

  • United States Zidartha Boquilla

    Rob's the man! Good judgment call sir!

  • The Internet Isra Arif

    I currently have 280...but I'm intending on breaking this record eventually!

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Angus, will you accept an Facebook friend offer from myself or Rob, both of whom work at URDB? That would be a simple way to confirm the validity of the claims.

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    As category creator - I am going to deny this record until we have further proof Angus. Not a single person thinks this is legitimate.

  • United States Lindsay Louise

    something about this is off. totally agreed. is there a way to remove him if there is no proof?

  • United States Lindsay Louise

    I totally agree, something is up. Post a video rob! PS: I'm at like 400 :) Nothing compared to others, but getting there

  • United States Zidartha Boquilla

    Yes Angus... Let's see some footage of your record. Rob... the pictures don't even match. Something's up.

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Seems to be some debate over this one...Angus, how about providing video evidence of your feat?

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Seems to be some debate over this one...Angus, how about providing video evidence of your feat?

  • United States Zidartha Boquilla

  • United States Zidartha Boquilla

    I don't think it's real. Has to be photoshop. Let's see video of this. I have video of mine.

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Would love to see a video of this...from FB login to glimpse of homepage where pokes are displayed.

  • The Internet Angus Cooper

    hey rob, the way a facebook poke works......i have 168 friends there is 168 pokes, they have so and so many friends there is so and so many pokes, then their mutal friends pokes, you add a few new ppl POKE ALL THEIR FRIENDS and just keep going and going......i average 600 pokes a day, get back 225 to 3ooish a day..........I SPEND ALOT OF TIME POKING.

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Major suspicions on could someone collect this many Facebook posts when the Facebook friend limit is 5000? Makes no sense

  • United States Zidartha Boquilla

    Lindsay... I have over 1,200 now =) Jason... huh?

  • United States Jason Gibbons

    I have made 3 1/2 court no look shots in a row but when I fill everything out I can't submit for some reason????

  • United States Lindsay Louise

    how many ya at now zidartha?

  • United States Zidartha Boquilla

    I have people asking me to train them on poking lol this is fun. But lets not forget... it's also very competitive.

  • The Internet Torrie McGee

    i have 199 :)

  • The Internet David Shen

    lol wow DJ that's funny

  • Singapore DJ ZaPpY

    yeah, see this.

  • United States Zidartha Boquilla

    They can block that?

  • Singapore DJ ZaPpY

    mother fcking shit. facebook block me from poking

  • United States Zidartha Boquilla

    I'm going for 500 full speed! =)

  • The Internet JDiesel Σχ

    shit i thought haveiong like 15 was alot one day.

  • Feel free to try :) i've already beaten my record by quite a way now, so as soon as you post your attempt i'll repost mine :) good luck dude!

  • hi. i'm andrew. i am here to break your record. have a nice day. thank you.

  • United States Rob Birdsong


  • United States Steve Shirley

    last but not least!

  • That's my Dogg!!!

  • The Internet Ryan Brown

    This is an achievement!

  • United States Brian Pankey

    Congratulations Rob!

Under review comments
History (46)


LeonLiu on 2/4/2016



YanDa on 7/26/2015



EmmaØvergård on 7/13/2015



CorentinPierre on 3/28/2015



RobAbdul on 3/15/2015



JasonMcElroy on 1/25/2015



RobAbdul on 12/17/2014



NeleFrancke on 12/6/2014



AndreyPopelnykh on 12/5/2014



SteevHovey on 11/30/2014



BlakeMurphy on 11/12/2014



NicoNico on 11/2/2014



JasonMcElroy on 10/28/2014



RobAbdul on 10/19/2014



JoshuaChua on 10/16/2014



JoshuaChua on 10/16/2014



RobAbdul on 10/6/2014



RobAbdul on 9/27/2014



KjellEdgarsson on 1/16/2012



MikeyWilhoit on 11/9/2011



MeganKahn on 9/14/2011



LindsayLouise on 4/19/2011



MattSummers on 4/16/2011



LindsayLouise on 4/4/2011



ZidarthaBoquilla on 4/3/2011



ErinZembruski on 3/22/2011



MattSummers on 3/19/2011



IsraArif on 2/23/2011



no on 2/23/2011



AngusCooper on 2/16/2011



ZidarthaBoquilla on 1/16/2011



DJZaPpY on 1/4/2011



DJZaPpY on 12/20/2010



ZidarthaBoquilla on 11/1/2010



DaniDonovan on 10/25/2010



TylerShuman on 10/9/2010



ZidarthaBoquilla on 9/19/2010



ZidarthaBoquilla on 9/17/2010



DJZaPpY on 6/16/2010



BarbieBaybie on 6/14/2010



DJZaPpY on 6/11/2010



BarbieBaybie on 6/10/2010



DJZaPpY on 6/5/2010



SpencerFlatt on 5/29/2010



ConnorRawlinson on 5/25/2010



Rob on 5/21/2010

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