
Most Sit-Ups-Flutter Crossover Reps Completed In 15 Minutes

United States

Clermont, Florida, United States / April 29, 2013

Alicia Weber completed 583 sit-ups-flutter crossover reps in 15 minutes.

- must lie flat on floor at bottom of sit-up
- hands must be kept on side of head above ears and elbows for sit-ups
- back must be perpendicular to ground at apex of sit-up with elbow crossing knee
- must keep legs straight out and elevated in flutter crossovers
- legs may not touch ground
- must perform flutter crossovers with straight legs taking opposite hand to opposite knee
- each rep must end with knee touch
- must perform flutter crossover as demonstrated here
- must complete 15-minute exercise routine: five minutes of sit-ups, five minutes of flutter crossover, five minutes of sit-ups
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostexercisestrengthsitsit uprepetitioncrossover flutter

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