Dumbbell World Records

196 Records Found

00:38 Pakistan

Most Push-Ups Performed In 10 Seconds Holding Two Six-Kilogram Dumbbells

Muhammad Irfan Mehsood

Muhammad I. performed 27 push-ups in 10 seconds holding two six-kilogram dumbbells.

01:57 Scotland

Most Alternate Lunges Performed In One Minute While Holding Two 22.5-Kilogram Dumbbells

William Cannon

William C. completed 16 alternate lunges in one minute while holding two 22.5-kilogram dumbbells.

00:32 Sweden

Heaviest Dumbbell Curled While Juggling Two Tennis Balls

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy Ohlund curled a dumbbell weighing 25 kilograms while juggling two tennis balls.

02:25 Sweden

Longest Time Balancing An 8-Kilogram Kettlebell On An 8-Kilogram Dumbbell On Forearm

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy Ohlund balanced an 8-kilogram kettlebell on an 8-kilogram dumbbell for one minute, 33.69 seconds on his right forearm.

01:13 Sweden

Longest Time Balancing A 10-Kilogram Fixed Dumbbell On A Tennis Ball Held In Hand

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy Ohlund balanced a 10-kilogram fixed dumbbell on a tennis ball held in his hand for 41.13 seconds.

01:08 Sweden

Longest Time Balancing A 27.5-Pound Dumbbell On Fist

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy Ohlund balanced a 27.5-pound dumbbell on his fist for 54.06 seconds.

01:00 Sweden

Longest Time Holding A Side Lateral Raise With Two 20-Kilogram Dumbbells

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy Ohlund held a side lateral raise with two 20-kilogram dumbbells for 11.72 seconds.

01:24 Sweden

Longest Time Holding A Side Lateral Raise With Two 15-Kilogram Dumbbells

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy Ohlund performed a side lateral raise with two 15-kilogram dumbbells for 36.25 seconds.

01:48 Sweden

Most Times Curling A 25-Kilogram Dumbbell While Balancing A 7-Kilogram Barbell On Index Finger

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy Ohlund curled a 25-kilogram dumbbell 20 times while balancing a 7-kilogram barbell on his index finger.

00:58 Scotland

Longest Time To Deadlift A 220-Pound Barbell Using Right Hand While Carrying A 10-Pound Dumbbell Above Head Using Left Hand

William Cannon

William Cannon deadlifted a 220-pound barbell using his right hand for 2.63 seconds while carrying a 10-pound dumbbell above his head using his left hand.

01:53 Scotland

Most Stationary Rows Completed While Holding A 45-Pound Dumbbell With Left Hand Above Head

William Cannon

William Cannon completed 10 strokes stationary rowing while holding a 45-pound dumbbell with his left hand above his head.

02:03 Scotland

Most Stationary Rows Completed While Holding A 65-Pound Dumbbell With Right Hand Above Head

William Cannon

William Cannon completed seven strokes stationary rowing while holding a 65-pound dumbbell with his right hand above his head.

02:46 Scotland

Most Steps Taken On A Stepping Machine While Carrying An 88-Pound Dumbbell With Right Hand

William Cannon

William Cannon took 50 steps on a stepping machine while carrying an 88-pound dumbbell with his right hand.

03:02 Scotland

Longest Time Carrying A 400-Pound Barbell Using Both Hands

William Cannon

William Cannon carried a 400-pound barbell using both of his hands for 24.72 seconds.

00:34 Sweden

Longest Time Balancing A 35-Kilogram Dumbbell On Left Foot

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy Ohlund balanced a 35-kilogram dumbbell on his left foot for 17.28 seconds.

01:27 Sweden

Longest Time Balancing A Three-Kilogram Dumbbell On Index Finger

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy Ohlund balanced a three-kilogram dumbbell on his index finger for one minute, 11.31 seconds.

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