Record Broken!

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Tallest Penny Tower Stacked With Two Hands In One Minute


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Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada / December 18, 2012

Doug McManaman stacked 38 pennies in two towers in one minute using both hands.

- may use both hands
- must stack pennies one at a time
- may stack pennies in two towers
- must stack pennies within given time frame
- tower must stand upright for at least five seconds
- must observe RecordSetter balancing criteria
- must provide video evidence


Tags: wildcardhandstackingtallesttowerpenny

  • Canada Doug McManaman

    Thanks Dan This is why a world record site is so great sooner or later we get to a point where it is just not possible to extend a record any farther.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Nice job reclaiming the category, Doug.

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