314 Records Found

09:02 Slovakia

Tallest Toilet Paper Tower

Pavol Durdik

Pavol D. built a tower using 28 rolls of toilet paper.

02:38 Slovakia

Tallest Domino Tower Stacked On A Standing Domino

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik stacked 45 dominoes on a standing domino.

04:48 Slovakia

Tallest CD Tower Stacked On A Tennis Ball Held In Hand

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik stacked 111 CDs on a tennis ball held in his hand.

03:09 Belgium

Tallest Toilet Paper Roll Tower Held In Hand


Frederic D. held 17 toilet paper rolls in one hand. He set the record for Sziget Festival.

03:25 Slovakia

Tallest CD Tower Stacked On A CD Held In Mouth

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik stacked 71 CDs on a CD held in his mouth.

03:02 United States

Highest Crayon Tower

Elizabeth Bolinger

Elizabeth Bolinger built a crayon tower that reached 54 stories in height.


Tallest Pizza Box Tower Jumped Over

OtraMovida Records

Dani Martínez, a host at Otra Movida, and co-host Raúl Gómez jumped over a tower containing 38 pizza boxes.

00:34 The Internet

Tallest Styrofoam Cup Tower Balanced On Chin

Chris Swed

Chris S. balanced a tower of 210 styrofoam cups on his chin.

00:57 Canada

Tallest Toothpick Tower

Mya Williams

Mya W. built a tower of toothpicks 210 stories in height.

04:55 Slovakia

Tallest Penny Tower Stacked On A Golf Ball Held In Hand

Peter Durdik

Peter Durdik stacked 45 pennies on a golf ball held in his hand.

03:45 The Internet

Tallest Stack Of Quarters Balanced On Back Of Hand And Caught

Pete Graf

Pete Graf balanced 60 quarters on back of his hand and successfully caught all of them in a single catch. Stride’s setting 100 records in 100 days. At the end of 100 days, we’ll verify if you are the standing Record Holder. If you are, you’ll get $500 for each record you managed to hold with your guile, talent, and sheer will. General caution and common sense required. We show the Stride Team at work, but recommend that these challenges be done at home.

01:33 United States

Tallest Soda Can Tower

Jorden Thompson

Jorden T. built a 12-ounce soda can tower 24 cans tall.

01:41 Belgium

Tallest Beer Bottle Tower

Kjell Buysschaert

Kjell B. stacked eight beer bottles in a tower formation.

05:18 Slovakia

Tallest Tangerine Tower

Peter Durdik

Peter Durdik stacked seven tangerines in a tower.

00:32 Spain

Tallest Clementine Piece Tower

Ferran Carlos

Ferran Carlos stacked 15 clementine pieces in a single tower.

01:07 Slovakia

Tallest Balled Up Sock Tower

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik stacked 15 pairs of balled up socks in a tower.

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