
Most American Pennies Balanced On Elbow And Caught

United States


Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States / August 23, 2009

Tom Paquin balanced 46 American pennies on his elbow and caught them with the same hand.

- may balance pennies in more than one stack
- must catch all pennies balanced
- any dropped pennies automatically disqualifies attempt
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostbalancecatchcoinmoneyelbowpennycatalog

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  • The Internet killer calamity

    submit it,, because this one needs to be broken for sure.. i hope you balanced them before you did it.. im rooting for you gene beebe..

  • The Internet Gene Beebe

    On video caught 59 again.

  • The Internet killer calamity

    just examined closely frame by frame in a video editor.. the coins were NEVER balanced, he held them untill his arm started moving... He released the exact same time as his arm moved... INVALID RECORD.. I think the board should look closer.. its 100% not valid

  • United States Dush bag

    I'm pretty shire he should shove all those Penni's up his has

  • The Internet kendall cordes

    how tall is 51 pennies? i use £1 coins of similar height. what is the measurement in mm? also, anyone that questions the balancing, you try it!!!

  • United States K Cameron Dean

    he didn't balance them long enough, i call shenanigans

    • The Internet killer calamity

      just examined closely frame by frame in a video editor.. the coins were NEVER balanced, he held them untill his arm started moving... He released the exact same time as his arm moved... INVALID RECORD.. I think the board should look closer.. its 100% not valid

  • I agree with all of u the record is 'balancing' pennies on the elbow im only 13 and i can do 31 BALANCING them on my elbow

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Yeah, I don't feel great about this submission. I'd like to see Tom do it again, and add a rule that the stack must be clearly balanced on the elbow before the coins are snatched.

  • The Internet G Christopher

    technically he did snatch it off of his elbow, but the pennies definitely were not "balanced", at all.

  • The time between the left-handed penny release to the right-handed penny capture is suspiciously fast. What do others think?

    • The Internet killer calamity

      just examined closely frame by frame in a video editor.. the coins were NEVER balanced, he held them untill his arm started moving... He released the exact same time as his arm moved... INVALID RECORD.. I think the board should look closer.. its 100% not valid

    • The Internet Rebeka Schleyer


  • I am pretty sure the image in the bottom left is Tony Danza not John Stamos. I vote we reduce the count to 52.

  • o-mazing

  • Go Tristan! :D

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