
Record Broken!

See Current

Tallest Coin Tower Stacked With Right Hand In One Minute


Nagpur, Maharashtra , India / November 1, 2015

Shripad V. stacked 69 coins in one minute using his right hand.

- must use right hand to stack coins
- must stack coins one at a time
- must stack coins within given time frame
- tower must stand upright for at least five seconds
- must observe RecordSetter balancing criteria
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: wildcardstackingtallesttowercoinyogamoneypennyright hand


    I have also made another world record by following all rules with coins having diameter less than 2.5 cm. hence I have proved my sportsmanship. on the other hand how any one can claim world record by not following rules? the permission is to sit or stand but if any one moves and put some steps how it is permissible? If any one doesnot show his hand backside through out the attempt (which is a rule) then how it is permissible? Hence it is a fact that I am a true world record holder.


    Here there is no rule of diameter hence my world record is 100% correct. when there is no rule then also questions are being asked to me on the other hand when there is a rule that challenger should show that his one hand should remain backside through out the attempt but fail to show it on video through out the attempt then also no one ask about this. every one is free to take it's own decision and find out who is correct. who has given the permission to move the stack nearer to coins every now and then. the coins should be flat on the table if it is a condition then why coins are not kept separate. I can also ask many questions. People knows everything. This is my explaination about my world record which is 100% correct at this place in record setter world record. it is also true that it's a highest score. the fact will remain as a fact.


    Rs.10 coin is a standard coin in India and its size always remain same. I have chosen the coin looking some what similar to used coins in previous records. why I should use your coins . It's size may be plus minus a few mm what I have measured. But Here rule is not that of fix diameter please see the rules mentioned above. It is against natural justice that You will put conditions that can not be possible to follow easily and then will make a world record. I have followed all the above rules hence I am a real world record holder at this place though the diameter you have mentioned is correct every one will accept my world record because here there is no rule of diameter. Public understands every thing. have a sportsman spirit. do not try to put such conditions which are not possible to follow by every one because real sport is that where every one should be able to participate in equal footing. I believe in sportsmanship and not in number of records.

  • Italy Record Setter

    the measurement of the coin should be taken from the center of the coin , you do not do this. look at the minute 4:45 .Look at this link and find the size of your coin http://tpattanaikcoinsworld.blogspot.it/2014/04/journey-through-indian-definitive_1.html?m=1 your biggest coin measure 2.7 cm !

  • The Internet Billy haps

    Can I hold the pennies in one hand and stack them with the other or do they have to be flat on the table like in his video?

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