Highest Score In

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Highest Score In "Temple Run 2"

The Internet

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Islamabad, Punjab, Pakistan / February 14, 2013

Sunny I. earned 1,458,685,422 points in Temple Run 2.

- must observe RecordSetter video game criteria
- must provide video evidence


Tags: gaminggamehighestscorepointsvideo gameTemple runTemple Run 2

  • The Internet Karan

    My high score is 5,45,16,315 crack this . My total diamond is 9,467. My total coins is 1,01,35,31

  • The Internet Sufiyan king

    Sufiyan khan

  • The Internet King Anurag

    My highest score is 53893232 with more than one lakh metres. Crack this

  • The Internet Aadi

    My highest score 277605 coins 6507 so I'll be at this score

  • The Internet Abhishek Pradhan

    My highscore is 19268289 and coins 56179 I will try to beat your highscore

  • United States Dagan Talley

    I will set out to beat this

  • The Internet Mantu kumar

    My real score is 19598764

  • The Internet jaswanthm39@gmail.com

    My name is jaswanth this is not highest score my realy 156,186,354

  • Philippines Gian Tct

    Seriously. i would be impressed enough if you only use less than 500 gems, but. I wont appreciate it. It's a "no no" for me. Too bad the world record holders are hackers... Again. Im not impressed. I tried 210 million by spending at least 300 gems. Better luck next time. Pal.

  • India conor mcgregor

  • The Internet Smit

    My highest ( no save me ) is 10745657

  • The Internet Prakash reddy

    My high score is 95789542178537654378897643688753

  • The Internet Stefano

    My high score 1.460.514.300

  • The Internet Fuad Mustefa

    I think it's very easy to break the record. i scored 110 million and i stoped it because i was tired.

  • The Internet Shavez

    My score is 16459842 & save me 5842580

  • India Arvind Bhanushali

    My score is 7508650

  • The Internet RhysCrastoTron


  • Kenya Emmanuel wafula

    I got 3148614 million points

  • The Internet Rafael Amaya

    Aww i got 3 million

  • The Internet sandeep kambhampati

    My record 35,058,318 no save me 17,290,777 multiplayer 97x

  • The Internet shariar ahmed

    my record is highest score is 28018620 and no save me is 11375715

  • The Internet Yvenel

    35million without crack

  • India Ibrahim Mir

    Iam on the run to break ua record brother

  • The Internet wessel


  • The Internet wessel

    i also have 30 million coins

    and 10.000 gems

  • The Internet wessel

    my highest on phone is 40 million

  • The Internet sajidha anjum

    My highest score is 14991896 and multipler is 85×

  • United States Allen Green

    I'm going to break the world record

  • The Internet The Blonde

    I guess im lame lol ive been playing for about a week and my highest score with and without save mes is 6,307,012 :p

  • The Internet Boobs26412

    I got a distance of 209000m

  • United States tiras m.

    I got 2 trillion u all suck

  • The Internet kuldeep verma

    i scored in temple run 2 ...94309530

  • The Internet Macy

    How many saves did u use

  • The Internet Arman

    Bunch of amateurs, I got 1533, 126, 985 Ha LOL

  • The Internet Jennifer Kane

    Mine 143 million

  • The Internet akash

    Congrats adam... My current score is approx 50 millions... And i will try to beat ur score this month

  • The Internet Hack Genius

    Comment moderated

  • The Internet Hack Genius

    Comment moderated

  • United States Adam Kellogg

    I just used a screen recorder to film a full video of a 100+ million point NO SAVE-ME score I earned the other day. If anyone cares, you can watch the whole run at the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Evij0biuJTI, the video is about 45 minutes of gameplay and has no deaths in it. I'm almost thinking that this could be a new record category.

  • The Internet bhanu

    I also completed level 10 but dont see any objective for level 11, can you provide information

  • The Internet djakab

    Hey freinds.i have problem in temple run2. i was copmlited level 10. And now i am in level 11 but the window is impty i dont have objectiv in this level can we help me pleas

  • The Internet djakab

    Salut. Jai passe le stage 10. Et je suis dans le stage 11 mai la fenaitre et vide il y a pas une objectife.

  • The Internet djakab

    salut les amis.jai une question a propos de temple run2.jai termine le stage 10.et jai entree dans le stage 11 mai ily a pas une objectife dans ce stage je ne sai pas pour quoi. Quelque un peu m'aiidais.mercie

  • United States Adam Kellogg

    This might be over-kill, but I set a new high score of 846,293,040 points with a distance of 931,087 meters and 753,360 coins collected, demolishing my previous record which was the world record. I used an 80 multiplier plus the coin doubler. I look forward to seeing this score go up soon!

  • The Internet madisyn

    I had 40 gems then I got 20 and it took away 20

  • The Internet Kieron Holt

    My game glitched and i was swinging on an invisible rope for like 5 minuets and i got 31,000,000 points maybe some of these had the same glitch, Maybe not though because i only got 4 coins in my run because of the glitch and these all have allot.

  • United States Adam Kellogg

    So I challenged my own high score the other day, but came up short with 579 million points. If anyone is interested, I posted a short video of my gameplay (it is hard to record the entire run), at the link www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7FwxO-cX8U.

  • United States Adam Kellogg

    The distance and coins collected both make perfect sense to me with the score, but not when combined with the really low multiplier, score=[multiplier] * everything else. If this is legitimate than congratulations, but I just still cannot get past the 19 multiplier and some of the really low life-time statistics such as 0 lifetime gems collected. Also the fact that nearly all the lifetime coins were collected in that one run. I want to believe this record because I want another goal to shoot for, and proper evidence of the stats page was given, but based on these two things I have mentioned, I am just not convinced that some kind of hack wasn't used behind the scenes (maybe video evidence of the actual TR2 game being opened with no hack option would convince me otherwise). Whether legit or not, I will try soon to beat this, lol.

    • United States Adam Kellogg

      I meant to say that the distance and coins make sense with each other, but not the score when combined with the multiplier of 19 (www.mathematicalmischief.com shows how a score is computed). Also, you cannot possess gems without collecting them. Does anyone out there agree with my logic and think that this new attempt of 656,098,629 should be nullified?

    • United States Jenn Wark

      Adam, thanks for weighing in on this. I've flagged it up for the moderation team to have a look -- you make some very valid points. Daniel, would you like to weigh in?

    • United States Adam Kellogg

      Thanks Jenn! Also, do you know how long it normally takes for the moderation team to make a decision like this? When should I know by? Thanks again.

    • United States Jenn Wark

      They got to it today and the record is yours again. Champion!

    • United States Adam Kellogg

      Outstanding. Happy New Year by the way!

  • United States Adam Kellogg

    I believe that Daniel Gomez's record is fake and needs to be nullified. Here is why... 1) His multiplier is only 19! My multiplier was 70, and although his distance and coins collected were slightly greater than mine, there is no way that he would even come close to me with that multiplier. 2) He has collected a total of 0 career gems as seen in the lifetime numbers. He has 7,981 gems after the run, and it is impossible to buy that many gems, so that in and of itself shows that he used a hack for gems. There are plenty of other inconsistencies as well in the lifetime numbers such as lifetime distance being less than distance in that one run. All of my numbers make sense where as his do not.

  • United States Adam Kellogg

    Thank you

  • The Internet Keiana Smedley

    I think you did really good and you deserve a metal PEROID

  • United States wr holder

    Adam Kellogg,did you cheat?

    • United States Adam Kellogg

      No, but what exactly makes you question it? Is there some component of the score that doesn't add up for you, like coins collected, distance, etc? I did use a lot of gems which I spent a very long time saving up using the gem power-up. I ran Usain Bolt with the coin doubler.

  • United States wr holder

    my high score is 215,104,956.

  • The Internet ബിനു കാരക്കുന്നേൽ

    My score in temple run 2 is 24,3333,307

  • The Internet balu

    I don't believe this new record is legit. your total distance should be around 3 to 4 times higher than your total coins. there just aren't that many coins per 1000 meters. everyone out there, open your stats page and compare total distance with total coins. I also am at 70x multiplier and my high score is 83 million.

    • United States Adam Kellogg

      I purchased the Coin Doubler app ($4.99 in TR2 store), which doubles the value of coins, so I should have about twice as many coins for the same distance. Anyone who wants to challenge the record may use the coin doubler app, I'm not sure if the previous records used it. The coin doubler app is actually an in-the-game purchase and therefore a legitimate part of the game.

    • United States Adam Kellogg

      Also, what was your distance with the 83 million?

    • The Internet balu

      thank you adam. I wasn't aware of the coin doubler. my 83 million was163864 dist. & 67979 coins

    • The Internet balu

      Adam, please check out this web site. looks like the coin doubler will increase your overall total score. http://www.mathematicalmischief.com/ (search temple run 2 once on the site) this shows the calculation for total score.

    • United States Adam Kellogg

      Yes, of course it will since the number of coins collected factors into the score obviously. That's the reason I purchased this in-game app provided by the makers of the game. Thank you for giving me the site, its interesting to see all the numbers behind the calculations.

    • The Internet balu

      without the doubler, your score still would be fantastic, probably unbeatable. cheers!

  • United States Adam Kellogg

    Thank you Abdul. The game took me ab about 7 hours to play. If you can beat it than that will give me another goal to shoot for, look forward to the challenge, lol!

    • Pakistan Abdul Rehman

      Sure, we can compete in the game then. Will let you know. Also, how much time did you spend collecting all those gems and multiplier? How much have you played TR2?

    • United States Adam Kellogg

      It takes me about 4-5 hours to collect every 1,000 gems using the gem power-up. In the two weeks right before I set the record I spent about 5 hours a day just collecting more gems. I completed all the objectives gradually over 2 months to maximize my multiplier. I look forward to hearing your next high score and the best of luck to you!

  • The Internet Wilford brimley

    Comment moderated

  • The Internet Wilford brimley

    Comment moderated

  • The Internet Brian Petty

    current high score (no save me) 38,592,256. :). I haven't tried a high score with save me's yet. I like seeing my highest score being the same as my no-save-me runs hehe. 55,549M, 42542 coin, multiplier 64x.

  • India rahul khubchandani

    my highest score is 23374567

  • India vamshi krishna

    i had completed Infini runner i,e 1Cr meters......and whats the next level? it is now showing any of the Objectives......is their any once that who can tell the next objective after crossing 1 Cr meters..

  • The Internet Drjunaid Khan

    mine is 16,914,876

  • Nigeria delizlait

    my highest score is 23760472

  • The Internet Abid Rajput

    My high score 1,13,99955

  • The Internet Ñâvïñ Kûmâr

    My high score 123 56788

  • The Internet George

    I totally beat that. I'm at 65 million

  • The Internet latrell allen

    I beat that

  • The Internet Pardeep Kumar

    My highest score in tample run in 11976801

  • India Naveen Agarwal

    My score in 215049514

  • The Internet saurabh

    my score 20,000,0000

  • The Internet Andrei Badea

    I did 25 654 080 points

  • The Internet andri

    My high score : 8.632.570 without "save me"

  • The Internet roshan

    I have scored below highest score 20233491 longest run40569 most coins -17254 most gems -13 & finished with 10million meters(2491games) -what is after that ? as no objective appears -any one can help ?

  • The Internet abidrizvi

    haha thats MY SCORE=1,955,294,269

    • India Rohnit Singh

      so jus send the video as above to this website and the new world record will be of yours..!!

  • The Internet Nikhil Pujyar


  • The Internet Simonete Lopes

    World record Thaís person not eat no enjoy no sleep is a robót ??...".im Playng dias multipler x 70 undécima is my record of. 8days. Age&&

  • The Internet Simonete Lopes

    My record 110 milhões e ..... 8mil e .... Gemas 52mile ... Longest run i dont inóspita unlok to presents conquestd in game you help me ? ..answer in português? Thanks

  • The Internet thomas

    I used no save mes 27 million

  • The Internet HobbinRobyn

    I hit 155,687,046 using 8 save me's yesterday. (Running Francisco with a 59 multiplier.) I do not know of any way to hack or cheat on the game. I played fairly and had a good skillful run (died twice while tapping to get speed power and it didn't take). I had wondered if one arrived either at a temple or at a safe place at 150M. I didn't use a save me at 155M because I figured it would get recorded as 150M, assuming the others who had exceeded it got equalized at 150M. For slightly less than an hour, my score showed up on the leaderboard as the highest all time score. Then it dropped off and briefly listed my highest score as my previous (around 63M). Then it dropped me out altogether and listed me as having No Scores. Apparently the system is set up to disbelieve in scores that high. Hadn't thought before hand to video the game. I don't see how to post the screen shot of my score.

    • The Internet HobbinRobyn

      Correction, a 69 multiplier. (307,891m, 126,929 coins)

    • India Rohnit Singh

      ya bro, same happend with me when i scored 170M. it happens in ios devices at the game centre..!! it is default that the game centre dosnt show over 150M.!!

  • The Internet Shahadat Apu

    my score is....................150million

  • The Internet Simonete Lopes

    I have 6milion And....x67. Longest run 42654 temple 2""""

  • The Internet Joey Guido

    My high score was 58,728,532 back when this first came out.

  • The Internet Niraj Agarwal

    jst check my score on https://www.facebook.com/TempleRun2HighScore, Niraj Agarwal its 14.5 Crore...

    • The Internet Rana Atif

      My multiplier is 65 ... I hv used all upgrades including multiplier upgrades ... How can i increase mpre multiplier

  • The Internet Funguy4playtime

    We all know already that in today's society, people have to cheat to get records so they can feel better about themselves. I remember the "old days" when we didn't have this technology and the video games were in the arcade. I was proud of the wield record I once held on "Starcastle" because it was authenticated by my play and witnessed by many as I personally played the game. People have a need to cheat, because that's the only way they can validate their otherwise pathetic lives. Be proud of the scores you accomplished, because you did it with legitimacy. That's a record you would rather have then doing something by artificially means!

  • The Internet Abbas Shabbir

    maybe he has edit the score

  • The Internet Abbas Shabbir

    it is not possible to make score of this type with only 94 coins

  • The Internet georgiepoo

    I used 1 Save Me to get to 2,260,000 and none to get to 1,187,000.

  • The Internet Funguy4playtime

    Additionally, look at his gem count, impossible unless he never died running that distance......another chump having to cheat to get some worthless record. What happen to the fun of the game. The highest record hasn't been recorded because everyone is cheating. Just look at the official scoreboard. Only 150,000,000 is recorded, and everyone that got that cheated as well, because it's impossible to stop the run exactly on 150,000,000. To all the punks that cheat, go get a real life and a game, because in real life, you couldn't get 150,000. lMFAO

    • The Internet Joey Guido

      9 gems isn't hard to get and I got over 50a million points in a single run on a long bus ride before so...

  • The Internet Funguy4playtime

    It's not a record if you use cheating methods, just ask Lance Armstrong...LMFAO the only records can be achieved through clean methods. Barry Bonfs will never take his home run record to the hall of fame. I have 201,000,000 as high score, without using any cheat! However, I had to use a lot of gems!

  • The Internet kevin

    well im at 97 million on 58 multiplyer , i wouldnt use a hack it takes all the fun out of the game

  • The Internet TRon

    Shit i got 21 mil with out hacking or doing anything like that except playing while tweekin for about 54 hours not straight i do have a life and shit to do in the day just played 8-10 hrs a night or more did it in about 3 days worth of all nighters

  • The Internet balu

    we hacked my daughters (youtube) and it gives you unlimited gems and coins. you can run all day. my best on my non hacked android is just over 32 mil. 58x multiplier. you can tell the guy above hacked due to the large amount of gems and coins. one note, the hacked versions brings you back to version 1.1.1 missing some features.

  • The Internet kevin

    well im at 97 million on 58 multiplyer and only used 2 save me lives . im close to the 59 multiplyer and as soon as i get that im gonna crush this

  • The Internet slickers

    Hi guys.... Wow 116 mil...how its possible? Withouy any cheat codes? How many time your run took?? M'y records is 48 760 233 and im not sure i can beat that. Numbers of gem is ont important because anyway you annot be use more than 10 life... And after 30mn your eyes begin to be tired.... So all peoples who reach 150 000 000,which is the beet record according to thé best record you can find un the game.... I really doubdt that thoses records were reached without any secret codes... Sorry for my english !

  • The Internet kevin

    is that the official record so far then 170 million by mr singh ? if it is then its game on

  • The Internet MT

    One for the believers. My personal best, Score: 209,005,612 points; Distance: 502,313 m; Coins: 195,720; Multiplier: 59. Check it out here:


  • The Internet Jonathan maultsby

    My high score is 158,079,372

  • The Internet Adil Khan

    I got 12135788 points checkout the screen shot


    • Canada Dan Rollman

      Adil, the current record is over 170,000,000. Also, you must provide video evidence of your final screen for your submission to be considered.

  • The Internet alankrita lal

    i have scored 10,69,69,549

  • The Internet MT

    Congrats Rohnit. Now you believe I wasn't joking when I said I scored 165 mils few weeks ago? I was on 59 multiplier. Your latest km and coins are similiar to mine.

  • The Internet manojbhatiwal1234@gmail.com

    My temple run 2 score 751381545 manoj bhatiwal mo. No.9461234712

  • The Internet Avradeep Chaudhary

    mine is 5cr 56 lakhs

  • The Internet mashika pahwani

    mine is 45,296,026

  • The Internet Jean Gardens

    My is 33,836 260.

  • The Internet Kyle

    My score is 400 mill and i can prove it

    • The Internet MT

      Send me a screenshot. This would give me motivation to beat it.

    • The Internet MT

      Come'on Kyle, I need a challenge. Im a lot better player now than the last time I scored almost 166 mils. Learnt some more survival tricks and have 6k gems. I won't be too far off your personal best. My email is: lamaithanhgmail.com

    • The Internet MT

      Kyle is all talk. No screenshot. No email. Nothing at all.

    • The Internet Kyle

      How do u send a screenshot

    • The Internet MT


    • The Internet MT

      A screenshot or a picture of your ipad screen would do.

    • The Internet MT

      Where is your screenshot? Still trying to get to your 400 mils score?

  • The Internet Bryan King

    10,037,301 is my best so far

  • The Internet MT

    116 mils and accepted as record just because he provided a video. Well, Enjoy! My is 165 mils. You would need to spend 3 hours watching my run if I had a video.

    • United States Jenn Wark

      We're not opposed to three hours watching video if need be; though if you have a look around we do have a number of fairly epic-length gaming videos edited quite well so we don't have to watch three hours of video. ;) Might check some of the other records out for ideas on presentation - we'd still like to see your record!

    • Canada Dan Rollman

      Concur with Jen. Or, to keep it simpler, just shoot a video of the final screen that displays your score.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Rohnit, this is great documentation. Thanks for shooting video instead of just submitting a screen grab. Congrats!

  • The Internet Vladimir

    My score is 1 720 158 no hacks and no multiplayer

    • The Internet MT

      Any screenshot? I'll try to beat it.

    • Canada Dan Rollman

      We're pushing people to shoot a short video of their final screens, and will be phasing out the acceptance of photo screen grabs (too easy to manipulate). Would love to see videos if you guys can provide them.

  • The Internet MT

    My best scrore is 165,998,506. 410,107 meter and collected 153,875 coins.

    • The Internet Vladimir

      With hack

    • The Internet MT

      Nonsense. It's not really high score as I lost motivation once I passed the 150 millions mark. A guy posted in yahoo that he scored 1,915,087,255 points, that could be a cheat. I spent 3 hours to get my best score. This guy must have spent 3 x 11 = 33 hours on his run.

  • The Internet prabhakr

    my score is 11,823,864...with out any cheaats.....on multiplier 53

  • The Internet Temple Run

    When you have that many gems anyone can achieve that goal!

  • Philippines MaAnn P.

    To improve the quality of this category and to avoid cheating, only video evidence will be accepted moving forward

  • India Rohnit Singh

    http://recordsetter.com/submit/review?pend=9102694c-91d3-46c0-8f4f-37e935cce0aa This is the link for the video my record..

    • United States Jenn Wark

      Excellent! Thanks for the submission and I hope we see it up soon.

  • The Internet Katy mickle

    oh my gosh that i can bet u that before the end of the month i will have the highest score

    • United States Jenn Wark

      Looking forward to it - just remember our new requirements for video game submissions are they need to be video evidence, still pictures won't do. Thanks!

    • India Rohnit Singh

      ok..!! i vl submit the video of my high!!

  • India Rohnit Singh

    mine record is 116,701,260 in 51x... try to beat it..!! if u dont believ i can uplaod the sreenshot also.. or u can can chck on apple game centre. my usernam is gokuuz96

  • The Internet Summer Wheatly

    3,427,721 is my best score!!

  • The Internet Katy mickle

    how do you do that without your mom or dad yelling at you

  • The Internet Pratik Lohia

    i crossed 52316978 score with karma lee with multiplier 58 and everything updated.i was going to tweet in twitter but failed....

  • The Internet Jayla

    I got 4,153,204 that was hard and I am leave 8

  • The Internet Jayla

    I got 4,153,204 and I am 13 that was hard to do

  • The Internet Deepthi Kunatharaju

    57,314,846 my personal best done on June 4 th 2013

  • The Internet Deepthi Kunatharaju

    57,314,846 my best score done on 4 th June 2013

  • The Internet noahc99

    Mines 21,740,936, with no hacks and using only 2 save me, but I didn't know it was that close to a world record

  • The Internet BHARATH

    Hey guys i scored 9,900,250

  • The Internet Jack Burrup

    congrats on the guy who got the world record. (I cant even get past 1,500,000)

  • The Internet Tommyboy

    But whoever got the world record congrats

  • The Internet Tommyboy

    I highly doubt that your score is over nine sextillion. How many times have you hit your head? I bet you just held down the nine key on your key board until you were satisfied.

  • The Internet aezokami

    my high score 999999999999999999999 dumb ass ppl!

  • The Internet rahul gupta

    Ha koi beat krne wala ye score ko 64486544 higest record in tha world

  • The Internet Kamal Ramwani


  • The Internet Aleksandar

    My is 52.761.168 , distance 137.021 , and multiplier 56

  • The Internet akshay

    My score is 37523674 with 94000 m run and 35000 coins n ihave proof

  • The Internet Baptiste Lemettre

    my high score is 7 900 000

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    We have denied this attempt based on the valid claims that it's impossible to achieve this score and gather only 94 coins.

    If you make any submissions in this category, PLEASE SHOOT VIDEO OF THE FINAL SCREEN. Moving forwards, we will be phasing out acceptance of screen grab submissions.

  • The Internet Osho Sharma

    Fake...lol man u r pathetic....u r not even a good hacker....lol what a shame...

  • The Internet slickers

    Mine 25 190 984 run 66000m with multiplier 58

  • The Internet Bianca Machado

    Only 94 coins? WHAT? This is impossible! Fake.

  • India Nikhil sharma

    my new high score in Temple Run2 is 4 crore and 5 lakhs....

  • The Internet Sathiya Sri

    i'm truly 35 lackes ..................

  • The Internet vipinyadav318@gmail.com

    My High score - 25 crore ...

  • The Internet vipinyadav318@gmail.com

    25 crore....wohooo!!

  • India bikramjeet singh

    my high score is 4,396,348

  • The Internet Ushadevi Rao

    My high score : 1, 493 , 212

  • The Internet Ushadevi Rao

    My high score : 1, 493 , 212

  • The Internet Faizaan Dilmahomed

    my score is 66,941,748

  • United States jeepers25453

    Mine is 37m, with 100400 meters

  • The Internet Maidul Islam

    my score is 4,466,544

  • The Internet Carlos E.

    My score i 2,569,784

  • The Internet chandu

    Hey guys did you notice this?..with 1000 coins in his account if he attained that score he would not get a notification of still getting an upgrade...coz upgrades are only one reason to attain such a huge amount of score

  • The Internet Samuel Rasheed

    My score is 10,387,789 Multiplier times 42 I used Karma Lee

  • The Internet Autumn Woods


  • The Internet Autumn Woods


  • United States Alex Cunningham

    The scores don't add up, unfortunately. His score should be 2,239,615,064, but he only registered 2,142,245,754. Plus the 94 coins thing. Definitely calling hacks.

    • The Internet Dylan King

      that's not a hack your an idiot. I have over 100k coins and 40 gems because I save them up.

    • United States Alex Cunningham

      Did you even realize what I said? I play Temple Run 2, I save up coins and gems too, but that's not even close to what my point was. My point was that his score wasn't what it should have been and he only collected 94 coins despite running 97 million meters, suggesting that he did not play legitimately.

      Also, you're*. As in, you're an idiot.

    • Philippines MaAnn P.

      I concur with Alex. Voting to deny this attempt

  • The Internet amandeep

    i have got 687,736,044

  • The Internet sandeep

    45,458,070 ..beat that.!!

  • The Internet Lavoicer Falcon

    to all those guys who are playing this game, temple run 2. please beat my score 37,750,344..with multiplier 58x..this is true and not fake, i will post my picture later..

  • United States wanis nick

    Hey everyone. Sorry about what SABBIR said. But it was FAKE!!! Totally Fake. Faker than a faked crime at the fake mueseum of fake fake fakeness in faketown in the year of the faked immediately when the fake of the fake was fakely started.

  • United States wanis nick


  • The Internet Sabbir

    how fake!!.. u score 1,458,685,422.. n ur store of coin iz 51,222,541 n green diamond 144,732.. n still u r playing at multiplier 57x.. huhh u dick head!!!.. if your store iz rele that much then u must hav playd at multiplier 58x..like your score/ store, so find a 8 then re-edit it at photoshop to make it real... :P :P :P

    • United States wanis nick

      Ya. I agree. Total fakeness. I hacked into this gamers website, and says 2 me that nobody in the world has ever scored 32, 098, 581 points. But people have scored more than that. Like me. I am the second highest scoring person in the world, next to this guy named NLGart, and his name REALLY bugs me. Don't u think so?

  • The Internet Harsh Stunner


  • The Internet Heather Lopez

    As with most games, most devices are hacked, and people are cheating.

  • The Internet Heather Lopez

    As with most games, most devices are hacked, and people are cheating.

  • United States NoneExistent

    i don't belive. he just collected 94 coins and multiplier 23

    • United States wanis nick

      Sometimes, things are gradually exputed into the land of entricate sports of games, sent forth to the rabbits of names that hatch on the easter of social forgiveness and self meaning of control. We thankfully forgive the butterfly that sink in our flowers that represent our phones, iPods, and whatever else. Please. We need to forgive ourselves for the worst we have it. The social mind of the antarctic region of the life of heaven, or the downwards path to lower Nevada of the life of games. We shall pick peace of war, in advance to price and dates. We need to think of our social forgiveness, but simultaneously love our loved ones as if they were childs to our minds. We need to forgive us all in the life of shadows, rather than the life, we are all living. Please go and all tell urselves, you are not all peasants of feathers of the life of continuous life or death, we are strong when it comes to stores, yet we don't spend all of our hard earned cash on two thousand apps. We are brave, strong, and social. Not greedy, perceived, wealthy, selfish people. We are a nation. We work together.

  • The Internet Nikhil Verma

    got 25,464,887 all upgrades full multiplayer 57x and about to reach level 9 just two objectives left ....... hi hi love this game :D

  • The Internet Nikhil Verma

    got 25,464,887 and multiplayer 57x every upgrade full and about to reach level 9 only two objectives left..... hi hi

  • The Internet Danny Laubenheimer

    Fake look at how many spending points he has he should have more then that after a run like that

  • The Internet Imran

    Got 25mm

  • The Internet Gagandeep Singh

    Mine is over 36 million

  • The Internet Dexter Koo

    Definitely some cheating going on here. Only 94 coins collected and your multipliers only at 23 and you managed to run 97mil metres. So you must of been on your phone for days if you managed to get that sort of score. You may have the highest score but everyone knows you hacked and that you are a sham. It's a shame people cheat their way through life. Loser

  • The Internet Dwayne

    Made just over 40 mil. with 56X multiplier. Just imagine the kind of scores one would be making when u reach level 9.

  • The Internet Dwayne


  • The Internet YoYoUxie366

    Yes there is a way if you`re a saver not a spender.

  • The Internet Neeraj Chawla

    1.91 million

    • United States wanis nick

      C'mon America. Toughen up. Get ur game on. Face da facts. its not that amazing that you have 1.91 mill. points. I claim myself da champs. I could beat anyone in a tournament in temple run 2. Cause I got a highscore in january of 2013. DONT MESS WITH DA CHAMPS. I want u guys to reply RIGHT NOW.

    • India Rohnit Singh

      bro, plz tell me ur high score...

  • The Internet Brandi Nicole

    My multiplayer is 57x fully upgraded. Just got 30,500,000

  • The Internet Mahmudul hasan

    how is it possible?with 57 X its not possible..totally fake...

    • The Internet YoYoUxie366

      Alright then if its fake then lets see you try to even beat my high score 5,378,538

  • The Internet Titus Ray

    got 27 million points

  • United States Alex Cunningham

    I'm calling fake. There's no way someone can get 144,732 gems.

    • Canada Dan Rollman

      Sunny, care to explain or defend? As I wrote earlier, we really need to get videos showing high scores. Screen grabs like this (and all submissions in this category) can be hacked too easily.

    • United States wanis nick

      ya. there is a way. gypsy through gypsy

    • United States wanis nick

      No really. On the 6, 500, 789, 098, 098th point u get u have to protect urself from white bricks, and if you trip on one, it will bring out the zombies. In the place where you get the people, you can get a machete to defeat the zombies, each zombie u kill, u get 100 gems. but it's really hard to kill a zombie. Personally, they look like gypsies.

  • Russia Max Filippov

    nice hack

  • The Internet Lorenzo Russo

    I did over 150 millions point

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    As this category evolves, I'd love to see people shoot videos of their screens to ensure there's no doctoring of the scores. That said, excellent work Max. (I just downloaded the game last night, so watch out...)

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