Record Broken!

See Current

Heaviest Raw Bench Press (Athlete Under 225 Lbs.)

United States



Albany, Kentucky, United States / January 4, 2014

Clint P. bench pressed a barbell weighing 465 pounds. Clint's body weight at the time of the attempt was 224 pounds.

WARNING: Weightlifting can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional weightlifter. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.


- record setter must weigh no more than 225 pounds
- must lift weight unassisted
- must touch chest with weight and press to lockout
- must lift weight raw (without the aid of a bench press shirt)
- must provide video evidence



Tags: sportsstrengthweight liftingbarbellbench pressheaviestbench pressing

  • United States Waffle123

    For some reason, whenever I enter the time for a record (i.e. 00:27:43 ) it turns out zero. Does any one else have this problem?

  • United States Ian McGehee

    This does not make sense he got better and got heavyer you would think lighter.

  • United States Jason A Faulkner

    That's awesome lifting. I weight 310Lbs. so I have alot of mass to work with. great lift man!!

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