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Most Countries Visited By Land In 24 Hours


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Bad Bentheim, Lower Saxony, Germany / June 27, 2009

Knut Olav and Astrid Loite traveled through 16 countries in 23 hours, 21 minutes. They visited Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, San Marino, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, France, Luxembourg, Belgium and The Netherlands.

The trip began near the borders of Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovakia on June 27, 2009 at 17:43 pm. The time was chosen so they would arrive at the busiest borders (Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, and Switzerland) at lower-traffic times.

The duo stopped to fuel up theirRenault Espace 2.0dCithree times (Austria, Italy, and Switzerland) before completing the journey in The Netherlands at 17:05 pm on June 28, 2009.



- must physically stand in each country
- must complete visits within any consecutive 24-hour period
- must provide media evidence



Tags: mostcarendurancecountryCars and Vehiclesdrivingtravellingmile

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