Most Countries To Set RecordSetter World Records In

United States


Guanacaste, Costa Rica / March 4, 2015

Clint Poore set RecordSetter World Records in five different countries.

- must set at least one RecordSetter World Record in each country
- must set different records in each country; one record spanning several different countries not accepted
- must document each country where a record was set
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostwildcardRecordSetterrecordcountrysetting

  • Norway nazareta lazareta

    Hello from Nairobi! Last weekend, a friend mentioned during a game night, and I decided to give it a go. The gameplay is straightforward but gets your adrenaline pumping with every round. At first, I played cautiously, but after a few tries, I hit a sweet spot with my timing. The experience was so thrilling that I even managed to make back my initial losses and left with a smile. It’s a perfect way to spice up a quiet evening in Kenya.

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