Record Broken!

See Current

Most Coins Tossed From Back Of Hand And Caught At Once

The Internet



Madison, Wisconsin, United States / July 20, 2011

Jefferson Badger tossed 10 coins at once and successfully caught all of them in a single catch.


- all coins must be tossed at the same time
- must provide count of coins
- must catch all coins
- any size coin permitted
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence



Tags: mostwildcardcatchingcointossing

  • The Internet alice pezoli

    Best ever

  • South Africa Petrus Jansen van Vuuren

    When you make a record do it good not just 27 when my vedio gets uploaded you will see a good 50 world record!!!!!!!

  • United States Jennifer Wark

    Awesome, Juan! I'd love to see a count of the coins afterward, though.

  • Spain Juan Martínez

    Gracias!!! Thanks!!!

  • United States Emily Patricia

    Congrats, Juan!

  • Spain Daniel Romero

    ag at a spanish tv show, otra movida, they are trying to brake if, everyone that ase the show today can hsend them videos ;)

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Collin I don't see the overlap. Where?

  • The Internet Collin Thornton

    I see overlapping of coins which is not allowed by the stated rules in the criteria

  • United States Schuyler Van Horn

    I still want to see this record hit 30. Where y'at Mr. Badger? Or mayabe TJ Van's lurking in the shadows waiting to drop the big 30. Regardless I just want to see this category keep going!

  • The Internet h h


  • The Internet h h


  • The Internet h h


  • United States Gold Member

    Gold Member is the fan of JB. Illinois Boyz 4 life!

  • Africa eva-1 su

    Good Job!

  • The Internet Jefferson Badger

    The audio is messed up but this is 25 - - a cleaner video for sure, don't see anything here that can be disputed.

  • Australia Peter Craig

    Other improvements on evidence could include showing your OTHER hand is completely empty and flat before the attempt. And if available a second and/or third camera can give even more solid evidence for your case :)

  • Australia Peter Craig

    And can I just say... this is frickin' amazing! I pushed my PB on this one to 19 but I think the current benchmark is just beyond my reach... I think part of the impressiveness of the attempt is simply being able to have the coins balancing in the first place! I love your technique in catching - I have to study it to try and mimic it. Perfection. Oh also, the lighting makes it difficult to see anything dropping. Maybe do it on a hard floor with front lighting (not back) so you can hear/see anything bouncing... geez gets technical :) I'm impressed and doubt it can be pushed too much further... but please try!

  • Australia Peter Craig

    For clarification of those contributing, the category is "from back of hand". How far up the wrist is acceptable as the original was pretty spread out,,,

  • The Internet Jefferson Badger

    Obviously I didn't mean to go off-screen, but I would say that my fast motions would help my case for being unable to pick up any coins following the attempt. I agree that should coins fall off my hand after showing the camera I should re-show them. I appreciate your comments, Peter, and will do my best to make the best video possible.

  • Australia Peter Craig

    I'm not cancelling out this attempt as failed, I think it passes - but in future if this record is broken again make sure anyone trying be as detailed as possible with evidence, avoid going off screen or fast movement (as excited as you may be :) and ensure the count is clear from the start without modification between attempts... I love seeing the final records, but I actually enjoy the process personally - I'd love to see the progression or countless failed attempts with all the "ooohs" and "ahhh!" and "dang, try again so clooose". This definitely adds to the fact that you didn't just use trickery, you tried and tried again. You're right the overlap is passable but borderline - particularly the one 5 coins back from the front in the middle was the one I thought might be questionable.

  • The Internet Jefferson Badger

    If you look at 24 seconds my left hand goes down and my have becomes open, meaning that had I not placed the coins back on my have at 7 seconds I couldn't at any point have put coins back in my hand. Also, the coins were not over lapping at any point, I believe that it looks that way because of the depth/rise and falls of my hand due to bone and veins. I hope we can agree that this video is totally legitimate, but in the mean time I will post my video of 25 tonight to help my case.

  • Australia Peter Craig

    There's a lot to be suspicious about with this clip but it comes down to how much we can assume honesty/integrity based on previous attempts. I think it's should be accepted as borderline OK but calls for stricter/more detailed attention to evidence for future attempts. As coin disappear/appear tricks are difficult to even see on camera this category opens itself to trickery fairly easily. It appears as though at the beginning of the clip his hand is in the shape of a classic coin palm ( and it certainly looks like the coin(s) are then transferred at 0:26 BUT 0:07 discredits this as he drops a coin or two which opens his palm. He then puts these back which is all fair and good in my view. Love to see where this category ends up and try for improved evidence in future! Oh... and when he shows the coins at the start, one of the coins is slightly overlapping... stretching the criteria slightly. Now I want to try this with Australian coins :)

  • Philippines Cyril Navidad

    Great..!!! :D

  • England Phil McFarlane

    Jefferson, Im with you on this, I was just pointing out from a devils advocate point of view how the video could be perceived. Well done on a great record.

  • The Internet Jefferson Badger

    Thanks, Cyril. I'll do my best in my next attempt to make it as 100% clear as possible.

  • Philippines Cyril Navidad


  • Philippines Cyril Navidad

    Very well said.. Thanks for clarifying that one.. Great job, Jefferson.. :) btw, you're friend at the back looks a lot like Jesse Wellens.. lol

  • The Internet Jefferson Badger

    Phil, if I had put nothing on my hand I still don't see where I could have picked up two dimes that quickly or how I could have planned the number of dimes falling off my hand. I have videos of 22, 23 and 25 if the progression to 26 would help clear this up.

  • The Internet Jefferson Badger

    At the very beginning two coins slip off my hand and as you can see I place them back on my hand before I throw them up. At :26 I was just using my left hand to push the coins together in my hand for counting them. I also think from watching the video that I'm moving way too fast to have picked up any additional dimes. I have 26 at the beginning and 26 at the end, not sure where I would have dumped and picked up? Also not sure what I could have done out of the frame, if you can grab a dime while jumping and flailing your arms let me know. I've really enjoyed this record and would do nothing to tarnish the integrity of it.

  • England Phil McFarlane

    This looks genuine to me, even the slip a coin in at 26secs looks like a coin was coming out of his hand and he just pushed it back. when the coins drop, yo ucant actually see the coins being put back, it could be thin air! but the reactions of his friends makes it all look authentic to me.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Everything about this video feels honest and trustworthy. The reactions are totally intense. I'm interested in hearing Jefferson comment on the controversial 0:26 mark, but lean heavily toward approving the submission.

  • United States Mick Cullen

    Interesting. It certainly looks like he could have slipped an extra coin in there, but then again, when he's celebrating out of frame, he could have done just about anything. There's no proof that he did, and there's no proof that he didn't. The only way to be relatively certain is to stay in the camera's view the entire time, with your hand always in view and never touched by your other hand. I don't know if all the previous record holders did that or not, so I'm not sure what to say. Jefferson, I think you probably did do it, but going out of frame, and doing what you did with your hand sort of left it up to speculation.

  • United States Patrick Lueck

    You can count them at :01

  • Canada David Elmaleh

    Cyril -- Looks legitimate to me. At the beginning of the video, he clearly has 26 coins laid out on his arm. What I would be questioning is the 7 second mark where multiple coins fall from his arm.

  • Philippines Cyril Navidad

    Looks like a great record, Jefferson.. but i just noticed on the video it looks like you slipped a coin on your hand at 0:26 second mark..

  • United States Simon Kirk

    How many attempts did this take you?

  • The Internet jj j


  • The Internet jj j


  • Africa eva-1 su

    well done

  • United States Simon Kirk

    Jefferson - try this record (which I started), or this one

  • The Internet Jefferson Badger

    Schuyler - I progressed. I did 12, then 16, then 17 and finally 20. I'd say 20 took about 10 takes total. And Pat is right, dimes fit more easily, not sure weight makes a difference.

  • The Internet Jefferson Badger

    I may have had the 7-year-old I babysit taping me attempting 22 today.

  • The Internet Jefferson Badger

    It's actually an in-house battle, TJ and I are roommates.

  • The Internet Schuyler Van

    I second Simon here. Love the office record. So have to ask is "TJ Van" and "Jefferson Badger" going head to head on this one? Looks like there's quite a coin catching craze going on there in Madison

  • United States Simon Kirk

    I love that you were doing this quietly in an office. Go for 21 coins to beat Jefferson!

  • United States Patrick Lueck

    Other coins might work better for weight but to fit 20 on your hand it has to be dimes!

  • The Internet Schuyler Van

    also, we were trying to figure out which coins would be the best to attempt with. Did you try other coins before settling on dimes? I was thinking nickels might be best b/c they've got some heft to em. Regardless - way to set this category and then just blow it out of the water! Cheers!

  • The Internet Schuyler Van

    Aaaahhhh Snap! I wanted to beat this record bad yesterday, but could only get to 7. Jefferson - How long did you try this before you got it? What made you decide to double down and up the ante?

  • United States Simon Kirk

    This is amazing. Really, really hard. How many fails did you have?

  • United States Jennifer Wark

    Wow -- that's pretty impressive!

  • The Internet User10 New


  • Africa eva-1 su

    Well Done!

  • The Internet User10 New

    I like that!

  • The Internet User10 New

    Good Job!

  • The Internet User10 New


  • The Internet Jefferson Badger

    I don't know if there's a secret. It's all in the throw I think.

  • United States Simon Kirk

    The RecordSetter office is trying hard to beat this record, but struggling. Schuyler only got to 7 coins. I think I got 5. Dan also failed. Where 0/3 right now. What is your secret?

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