Account Manager @ RecordSetter. RecordSetter works with brands, charities and PR firms to create visibility through custom world record setting opportunities. Contact me at to find out how we can showcase your talents!
Sorry Dustin, we don't oversee that part of the promotion. Your best bet would be to inquire via the Stride Facebook page. Thanks for participating in the promo and we all hope you continue setting records with us in the future!
@Alyjha and @Vernon - you guys both KILLED this category with some hilarious videos. Thanks to both of you for some honest and quality submissions throughout the Stride competition. Glad to have you both in the RecordSetter community and look forward to future submission from both of you!
Most Wall Flips In 15 Seconds
wowzers! This is incredible Ben!
Longest "Arghhh!" While Wearing An Eyepatch
Sorry Dustin, we don't oversee that part of the promotion. Your best bet would be to inquire via the Stride Facebook page. Thanks for participating in the promo and we all hope you continue setting records with us in the future!
Longest Distance To Spit A Piece Of Gum Into A Trash Can
This is a fantastic video - great job Rob. congrats on your records!
Longest Time For A Dog To Lick One's Face
@Alyjha and @Vernon - you guys both KILLED this category with some hilarious videos. Thanks to both of you for some honest and quality submissions throughout the Stride competition. Glad to have you both in the RecordSetter community and look forward to future submission from both of you!
Longest Fake Fart Sound In An Elevator
@Brian - like the new profile pic - so badass!