Fastest World Records
Many world record holders have proven they're the best by being the fastest. People show off their speed in the areas of sports, music, video games, recitation and much, much more. No matter what your hobby, if you can do it fast, you stand a chance at becoming a global champion. Hurry up and set a world record!
2591 Records Found

Fastest Time To Peel And Eat A Banana While Dribbling A Basketball
Pablo Miller

Fastest Public Treadmill Run While Wearing A Teddy Bear Suit
Paul Steward

Fastest Time To Rotate Arms 117 Times In One Direction
Pavol Durdik

Fastest Time To Put 20 Dominoes On Palm of Hand
Pavol Durdik

Fastest Time To Solve A Rubik's Cube While Holding A Baby
Joey Fratelli

Fastest Time To Peel And Eat A Banana
Banana Eater

Fastest Time To Tie A Shoelace
Diego Fonseca

Fastest Performance Of A "Preqel" Card Flourish
Iwo Fajlhauer

Fastest Time To Complete Five Forward And Backward Somersaults
Leah Freiberg

Fastest 18-Mile Run While Wearing A Gas Mask
Swineflu Avenger

Fastest Time To Fold And Unfold A Brompton Bicycle

Fastest Time To Name All 10 Flavors Of "Peanut Butter & Co" Peanut Butter
James Doernberg

Fastest Time To Push A 5,109 Pound Truck One Mile
Darryl Learie

Fastest Time To Push A Candy Bar Four Feet Using Banana Dangling From Waist
Ole Sprange

Fastest Accordion Player
Peter Grigorov

Fastest Time To Complete 500 Consecutive Reptile Push-Ups
Alicia Weber
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