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Fastest Time To Visit Every Train Station On Chicago's "L" Transport

The Internet


Chicago, Illinois, United States / February 3, 2012

Daniel Resner and his friend John Greenfield visited every train station on Chicago's "L" transport system in 9 hours, 30 minutes and 59 seconds.

Read more about the feat here.

- must visit every station by train at least once
- taking a bus, walking, and running between stations are permitted but must not take any form of private transportation (e.g. bikes, taxis, etc.)
- must take photographs of platform signs
- must get witness signatures and details from people in the train (e.g. names, date and time, location, etc.)
- must keep a record of times boarding and departing trains


Tags: fastestridingtraintransportationstationChicago L

  • United States Emily Patricia

    Congrats, Adham! Very proud! We were so glad we got to meet you!

  • The Internet Daniel Resner

    Also--The rules "must take photographs of all platform signs" and witnesses "in every train" should probably be softened to "most" signs and "most" trains, since it's sometimes impossible when you're making quick transfers.

  • The Internet Daniel Resner

    Most of the photos we took are here:

    And there's a radio interview about it here:

    We'll try to put together a video interview at some point. That's a good idea.

  • United States Corey Henderson

    I'd like to see you guys talk about it on video too.

  • United States Emily Patricia

    Hey Guys! This is so fun. Is there a link somewhere to the photos of all the platform signs? Would love to see that!

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