Daniel Resner
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Fastest Time To Visit Every Train Station On Chicago's "L" Transport
Also--The rules "must take photographs of all platform signs" and witnesses "in every train" should probably be softened to "most" signs and "most" trains, since it's sometimes impossible when you're making quick transfers.
Fastest Time To Visit Every Train Station On Chicago's "L" Transport
Most of the photos we took are here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/24858199@N00/sets/72157629204841853/
And there's a radio interview about it here: http://www.outsidetheloopradio.com/2012/02/23/otl-episode-283-bike-messengers-in-the-city-baconfest-chicago-preview-breaking-the-record-on-the-l/
We'll try to put together a video interview at some point. That's a good idea.