Attempt Failed!

See Current

Longest Rock, Paper, Scissors Match Without Tie

United States

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Travis AFB, California, United States / August 27, 2011

Jordan Brown and a friend played 11 games of Rock, Paper, Scissors without a tie.

FAILED: Does not beat current record.

Stride’s setting 100 records in 100 days. At the end of 100 days, we’ll verify if you are the standing Record Holder. If you are, you’ll get $500 for each record you managed to hold with your guile, talent, and sheer will.

General caution and common sense required. We show the Stride Team at work, but recommend that these challenges be done at home.

- may not throw any move more than twice in a row
- giving signals to partner is grounds for disqualification
- if there is any evidence that participants are rehearsing throws, attempt will be denied
- must shoot video wide enough to include both hands and faces of participants
- may not take longer than five seconds between each throw


Tags: gameStriderock paper scissors

  • The Internet Aurea Perez

    You guys are sooo adorable! :D Hope you don't get beat! (lol)

  • Australia Peter Craig

    I think I'm with Neil on this one... There's no definite "rehearsed" pattern, but there is certainly a formula which I think is acceptable. Obviously it's impossible to achieve without a pattern but think it's kind of funny to think that anyone would play the game for 500 games or 1 hour in this way... it's difficult to pinpoint criteria to avoid "fixing" the result.

  • United States Neil Moallem

    Reed, well done. However, based on the fact that we never actually used a real discernible pattern (as in we never broke any of the rules in the criteria), I feel that this attempt should be accepted. We did not rehearse these moves, we did not give each other signals, and neither of us threw a move more than twice in a row. It all checks out

  • The Internet Kevin Frazier

    71, really does not seem possible without some kind of pattern. Noticed large chunks being repeated, please look into this very thoroughly. Seems odd that the girl on the left never threw two things in a row...

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Dustin - the 47 got DENIED because at the :50 second mark the gentleman on the right throws 'rock' three times, which is a violation of rule#1

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    This video is all kinds of awesome.

  • United States Emily Patricia

    what the hell is the kid in the background doing?

  • United States asdfghjklzxcvbnm

    It's another long lasting record thing.

  • United States Schuyler Van Horn

    wow. take 119! Talk about Long Lasting determination. Auto tag: Impressive. Also love the double record setting in one camera shot. Emily - he's doing Stride Record #71 -Longest Time Keeping Static Balloon Attached to Head While Dancing Like a Chicken

  • United States Dustin James

    why did the 47 games get denied? what was it missing

  • United States Alyjha Williams

    im looking forward to seeing the time with the chicken balloon

  • The Internet Zach Neal

    LMFAAOOO!!! I love the kid in the back doing the chicken one!

  • United States Alex Cunningham

    Wow. That makes a lot more sense then. Hehe...

  • United States Neil Moallem

    Alex, the criteria specifically says that one may not throw any move MORE than twice in a row. Which means me throwing any move 2 times in a row is completely acceptable, but more than 2 is not

  • United States Alex Cunningham

    Also found instances of two consecutive papers and two consecutive scissors

  • United States Alex Cunningham

    First two throws, Neil throws scissors twice in a row.

  • United States Neil Moallem

    You do have somewhat of a point Alex except I don't think I could possibly rehearse 27 throws even if I tried hahaha. I have too much to memorize for my classes to even begin trying to memorize a rock, paper, scissors sequence

  • United States Alex Cunningham

    Since we are not allowed to throw the same symbol more than once, how exactly is it possible to prove that it wasn't rehearsed? Honestly I could make a case that every attempt has been rehearsed.

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Great eye Jeff, we've changed to DENIED.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Neil Astute observation. We are denying this attempt based on a clear throwing pattern throughout.

  • United States Alex Cunningham

    Peter I have to agree... with that criteria it's impossible to have a tie at all - it'd be easier to rehearse that!

  • Australia Peter Craig

    I almost wonder why there's even criteria to avoid it being rehearsed? There's no real way of knowing... I think it would be dedication for anyone to last 100 rounds, although I think the "may not throw move more than twice in a row" is a strange one. This is going to be tough/impossible to judge with strict criteria...

  • United States Alex Cunningham

    Yeah this is definitely going to be hard to judge. I have a feeling we're going to see a lot of cheating/rehearsals.

  • United States Neil Moallem

    ATTENTION STRIDE! These guys are cheating. I watched the video a few times and easily discovered their pattern. The guy on the right will always do what the guy on the left did in the PREVIOUS round. If you watch, every time the guy on the left does rock, the guy on the right will use rock as his NEXT turn. Every time the guy on the left does paper, the guy on the right will use paper as his NEXT turn. This goes for scissors as well. This is rehearsed and is therefor against the rules.

  • United States Neil Moallem

    ATTENTION STRIDE! These guys are cheating. I watched the video a few times and easily discovered their pattern. The guy on the right will always do what the guy on the left did in the PREVIOUS round. If you watch, every time the guy on the left does rock, the guy on the right will use rock as his NEXT turn. Every time the guy on the left does scissors, the guy on the right will use paper as his NEXT turn. This goes for scissors as well. This is rehearsed and is therefor against the rules.

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