
Most Cans Crushed And Thrown Into A Recycling Bin In 30 Seconds

United States

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Grayslake, Illinois, United States / October 11, 2011

Mick Cullen crushed and threw 36 cans into a recycling bin in 30 seconds.

Stride’s setting 100 records in 100 days. At the end of 100 days, we’ll verify if you are the standing Record Holder. If you are, you’ll get $500 for each record you managed to hold with your guile, talent, and sheer will.

General caution and common sense required. We show the Stride Team at work, but recommend that these challenges be done at home.

- must crush cans with feet
- must crush cans one at a time
- must throw cans one at a time
- only crushed cans thrown into recycling bin within time limit are counted
- may not crush cans in advance


Tags: Stride

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  • The Internet geebranz

    Good for the environment evansville shed builders

  • United States hassan bajwa

    so nice dear window.location.href='http://www.newstvlivestream.com/';


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  • United States Mick Cullen

    Sorry you feel that way, Hunter, but a precedent was set earlier on this record when they made the same ruling about a different video, simply subtracting a can from the total when the person threw two cans at once. This wasn't the first time they made that decision.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Money will not be split. I'm sorry Jordan -- this decision is out of our hands.

  • United States Hunter Vanness

    as in what the rules say, you shouldnt accept it if you throw two in at a time

  • The Internet Jordan Yaun

    i have no clue because i read it as only one of us gets the title of being the world record holder? idk im confused now too...

  • United States Mick Cullen

    Is that what they meant, Jordan? That wasn't what I got from Dan's post, but maybe I misread it.

  • The Internet Jordan Yaun

    so the money is still split...i just won't be recognized as the winner...sounds good to me...congrats mick :)

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Following extended dialogue with the team at Stride today, we need to provide clarity about what a "tie" is. We were incorrect in believing that any category in which two or more people submit the same approved value is counted as a "tie." A "tie" only happens when two or more people submit EXACTLY THE SAME VALUE at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME.

    For this category and all others in which there are ties, the FIRST entrant to submit an approved value will be recognized as the winner. Later attempts which match that value will be recognized as DENIED attempts. This stays in line with our existing RecordSetter policy, in which you need to BEAT an existing record in order to gain world record recognition.

    We are incredibly sorry for the confusion on this issue. It's an unfortunate situation, and one we feel badly about. As a token of our apology, we will send a RecordSetter t-shirt and a copy of The RecordSetter Book of World Records to all of those affected directly by this issue.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Correct, all. Ties will be split.

  • United States Alyjha Williams

  • The Internet Jordan Yaun

    sweet...yeah true true...well good job on the 36 man...

  • United States Mick Cullen

    Jordan's right. And hey, I'd rather split it than get nothing! Congrats, Jordan.

  • The Internet Jordan Yaun

    well if you refer to the comments on Long Lasting Record #9: Most People To Wear The Same Suit In One Minute...they had a tie and Dan Rollman said ties will be split...

  • The Internet Jordan Yaun

    So Since This Was A Tie Is The Money Going To Be Split?

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Jordan, your final and 37th can did not fall within the 30 second time limit.

  • The Internet Jordan Yaun

    why is my 36 cans a fail when its a tie? and why was my 37 cans denied??

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Hunter - thanks for your note. We noticed the same thing, hence the count "36" instead of "37".

  • United States Hunter Vanness


  • United States Hunter Vanness

    on micks new record, please not that he threw two cans in one time, more than once

  • United States Brian Pankey

    Mick your always a man who does good deeds! Recycling rules!

  • United States Mick Cullen

    Thanks, Emily! :)

  • United States Emily Patricia

    Nice job, Mick!

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Gold Member As long as it is a proper recycling bin, any size is permissible.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    We have decided to accept the attempt and subtract the "double throw" noted by Austin and Justin.

  • The Internet Austin Cummings

    he threw them in 2 at a time at :29

  • The Internet Justin Lister

    He threw in two at once 28 - 29 Sec

  • United States Alyjha Williams

    lol i was going to upload my 15 but 15 is a crappy number

  • United States Gold Member

    what are the official dimensions of the recycling bin!

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