Record Broken!

See Current

Most Consecutive One-Armed Push-Ups On Knuckles On Wooden Floor



Tbilisi, Georgia / January 17, 2012

Ioseb Khutsishvili performed 41 consecutive one-armed push-ups on his knuckles.

- must perform attempt on a wooden floor
- may use either left or right arm
- must observe RecordSetter push-up criteria
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostexercisestrengthpush-upstaminaknucklewood

  • United States Derrick Clark

    I believe the concrete is much tougher to perform than the wood floor.I agree with you Darryl.

  • Philippines MaAnn P.

    Hi Darryl. As you are the original creator of the record and you explained clearly the possible effects of doing this on different grounds and to be fair with loseb as well having done an impressive feat, we went ahead and separate this into a different category. I believe it's a win-win situation

  • Canada Darryl Learie

    Yes, I concur, I know from experience with my finger planks and dancing that hard-wood floors have a 'bounce' and thus absorb energy and force. I don't want to be a downer about this, but this record needs to be achieved on concrete or cement both of which have a high density. Surface in the criteria is of up-most importance, because this was meant as a combination between strength/stamina and tolerating 'a raw pain', that is itself a reflection of discipline, and commitment to the exercise - to pursue your best with-out any comforts.

  • United States Emily Patricia

    Does this floor count as concrete? Looks like a gym floor.

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