Well, you done it! Guillaume.I see the top three me,you and Alicia.I think we need to make summer are time to shine.
I would like to try out for American Ninja Warrior for the fun of it.
I know this was a tough one? good work!
The rules too! you have to start out with your chest on the ground.
Thanks! Alicia.
Longest One-Armed Chinese Push-Up Static Hold
Well, you done it! Guillaume.I see the top three me,you and Alicia.I think we need to make summer are time to shine.
Longest Time To Perform A One-Armed Deadhang Using A Thick Grip
I would like to try out for American Ninja Warrior for the fun of it.
Most Swiss Ball Squats In One Minute
I know this was a tough one? good work!
Longest One-Armed Chinese Push-Up Static Hold
The rules too! you have to start out with your chest on the ground.
Longest Time Hanging From A Tree Branch
Thanks! Alicia.