Record Broken!

See Current

Longest Time Holding A 4.5-Kilogram Weight At Arms Length (Athlete Under 200 Lbs.)



Puchov, Slovakia / April 1, 2016

Pavol Durdik held a 4.5-kilogram weight at arms length for four minutes, 1.82 seconds. His body weight during the attempt was under 200 pounds.

- arms must be parallel to the ground for duration of attempt
- must follow form of current record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: longestsportsexercisefitnessstrengthweightweight liftingarm

  • Scotland Maisie Cannon

    You should follow the original form pavol. I can clearly see that your time line is changing regularly on most of your world records.

    look at william's timeline on his profile. He does not change or adjust anything to gain victory. William has tried to help you before he decides to take all the records back again.

  • Slovakia Pavol Durdik

    nothing on his heels is not pisane

  • Scotland Maisie Cannon

    Same old pavol. Paying no attention to the rules. Heels not against the wall. Got observe all the rules not just some of them pavol.

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