Record Broken!

See Current

Largest Group Piggyback Hug

United States

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Treasure Island, California, United States / October 17, 2009

Eleven piggy-backed pairs joined together for a 22-person group hug.

The feat was achieved on October 17, 2009 at the Saucony Originals tent at the Treasure Island Music Festival in San Francisco, California.


- all participants must be in a piggyback formation (one person on another person's back or shoulders)
- all pairs must hug at once
- group hug must be held for at least five seconds
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: grouplargestarmphysicalshouldertandemhugpairpiggyback

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    I don't believe this video sufficiently demonstrates all the people hugging together. We're going to deny this attempt and revert to the previous record holder.

  • United States Emily Patricia

    WOW. This is incredible! Are you going to try to beat it?

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Good hearing from you Jeff. Glad that life seems to be treating you well. Thanks for your submission, and keep em coming. Best, rob

  • The Internet Jeffrey Tomlinson

    Rob! I hope you were referring to me, and that you recongized me from CU-Boulder! I've been submitting record breakers and inspiring record breakers at my last 2 schools. This site ROCKS! I hope you are well buddy :)

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Thanks for your input on this Bjorn. That is actually a friend of the URDB family and we are going to post his world record shortly.

  • Germany Björn Eberhardt

    This record can so easilly be broken in a larger flashmob. There is already a YouTube evidence that this one is broken:

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