Record Broken!

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Farthest Distance To Hit An Onion Using A Banana

United States

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Round Lake Heights, Illinois, United States / June 3, 2011

Carl Cutler hit an onion 144 inches (12 feet) using a banana.

Cutler set this record during an attempt to achieve the most world records set in one minute. He completed this record during an episode of Subterranean on WRLR, 98.3 FM.

- must use real food
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: wildcardfarthestdistancehittingbananaonion

  • United States Alex Juvion


  • United States Mick Cullen

    I want to precede what I say here with the statement that I do indeed believe Mr. Clark broke Carl Cutler's record. However, I think the standard for proof here is lacking. We don't see the measuring tape. We have no way of knowing that the place where he starts measuring is actually 144 inches away, and we don't know how far from that the tape measure extends. If we allow people to measure something at a distance and then tell us what the measurement was, without showing it, we're lowering our standards considerably. Incidentally, although Carl Cutler's video snippet here does not show the measurement, the full video of his record-breaking attempt does, and that can be found at

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    What is this video? I have no clue what's happening.

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