Longest Active Email Address

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Longest Active Email Address

United States

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Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States / August 16, 2010

This email is no longer active.

- must be an active email address


Tags: longestcomputerInternetemailemail address

  • United States Mark Ultra

    I never knew how to use a computer. I didn't understand how everything works there, but even I without any knowledge and skills could on this site https://newoldstamp.com/gmail-email-signatures/ make an email signature for my gmail. I myself did not expect that it would turn out so cool and most importantly professional. Look at all the information on the site.

  • Australia Timothy S

    While toying with this record I have figured out that Gmail will let you send to an email that is 1,000 characters long, but not receive from an address with 1,000 characters.

  • Australia Peter Craig

    Alex which is what ends up making this category so interesting to stretch - because my previous attempt at 345 did in fact send and receive and so did Zac's (although haven't tried for some time). There are a range of technical hurdles with DNS, email limits, server limits, forwarding and set up and the client(s) used to send/receive as webmail and program clients often trip over the address when it gets too long as usually there's no need for such an arduously lengthed address.

  • United States Alex Cunningham

    I have to dispute this, as the article below states that e-mail addresses cannot extend beyond 256 characters. Zachary, can you please use this e-mail to send a message to me? My email is acsteelersfanyahoo.com. Here is the article: http://email.about.com/od/emailbehindthescenes/f/address_length.htm

  • The Internet Lindsey Weber

    Oh I guess it was 2 months ago...

  • The Internet Lindsey Weber

    It is active!

  • The Internet Dize Poz

    Its fake.

  • United States Zachary

    I switched email providers recently, and now I can't accept emails to that address anymore! Oh well, I was kinda getting sick of so many messages.

    • The Internet SavageGodzilla

      Ohh wow that's sad. I tried to email you in 2024. As it's currently. I hope you're doing well and your family is doing well. Congratulations on your record.

  • Australia Peter Craig

    The e-mail is active and can be sent to and responded from - Microsoft Outlook cannot handle the email but it works sending from gmail, unsure of any other providers but it's certainly legit, albeit a forwarder it still is retrievable.

  • The Internet Marco Puddu


  • The Internet Marco Puddu


  • The Internet Marco Puddu


  • Australia Peter Craig

    Nice job Zach, now expect a barrage of e-mails and the automatic assumption that if your email address is so long, you're lacking elsewhere - at least that's the majority of mail I got :)

  • Australia Peter Craig

    Not when you're on the road and you wan't to quickly access your mail on your phone or library, you're sitting there for 5 minutes entering the email address and password... and yes John Ellis, the site is active but just redirects to my site at http://pacraig.com

  • United States Brian Pankey


  • United States Brian Pankey

    Can't you just copy

  • Australia Peter Craig

    It's strange actually, some mail programs don't accept the address, it cuts it off short (ie Outlook doesn't work)

  • Australia Peter Craig

    Yes trust me Brian, the password itself is probably a world record. But it does take a little while to log in, not too practical when you're in a hurry.

  • United States John Ellis

    OMFG Go to that website!!! please-try-to.send-me-an-email-if-you-can-possibly-begin-to-remember-this-coz.this-is-the-longest-email-address-known-to-man-but-to-be-honest.this-is-such-a-stupidly-long-sub-domain-it-could-go-on-forever.pacraig.com

  • United States Brian Pankey

    If that's your email how long is your password ha-ha-ha

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