Internet World Records

34 Records Found

04:16 The Internet

Fastest Time To Start And Stop An Online Stopwatch

Justin Dix

Justin D. stopped an online stopwatch in .005 seconds.

00:07 United Arab Emerates

Most Google Chrome Tabs Open At Once

William Smith

John S. opened 100,022 tabs on his Google Chrome browser at the same time.

00:31 United States

Longest Active Skype Call

Tiana (Nintiana)

Tiana and her friends kept a Skype call open for 11605 hours, 21 minutes and 58.00 seconds.

00:02 England

Most Messages In A Facebook Email Thread


Fahi A. created a Facebook email thread that contains 686,739 messages.

00:5 Canada

Fastest Time To Publish A Document To A Website

Tim Kloske

Tim Kloske created, saved and published a document to a website in 4.38 seconds.

00:09 Egypt

Most Internet Famous Cats Named In 10 Seconds

Amr Amer

Amr A. named 15 internet famous cats in 10 seconds.

00:26 Nepal

Most Pending Facebook Friend Requests

manish shrestha

Manish S. has 4,987 pending Facebook friend requests.

00:30 The Internet

Most Unread Emails In Inbox

Joey Manansala

Joey M. has 4,294,967,256 unread emails in his inbox.

00:07 England

Most Companion Pets In World Of Warcraft

alan bebbington

Alan B. has 395 companion pets in World of Warcraft.

00:21 United States

Largest Group To Check In At Same Venue On Foursquare At Once

University of Nebraska

814 University of Nebraska students checked in on Foursquare to the Big Boi concert on October 14, 2010. More info here.

00:10 The Internet

Most Game Requests In Facebook

Patricia Corwin

Patricia C. has 605 game requests on Facebook.

00:33 United States

Most Quora Notifications

World Records For Everyone!

Jireh A. has 446 Quora notifications on his page.


Fastest Time To Register A Private Limited Company Via The Internet

Ravio Keskra

Entrepreneur Raivo Keskra established the private limited enterprise Hankeabi OUuml; in 18 minutes, 3.05 seconds. Keskra performed the feat infront of participants at the InnoEstonia 2009[] conference. He registered the private limited company using Ettevotjaportaal. See more about the record here.

01:46 The Internet

Most Browser Windows Opened In One Minute

Citizen Effect

Brett Walling from Citizen Effect opened 49 separate browser windows in one minute. tag:RecordSetterBook01


Most Elevator Pitches Listened To In Five Minutes

McAdory "Mac" Lipscomb, Brian Cohen, and JB Lockhart

Mac Lipscomb, Brian Cohen, and JB Lockhart listened to 24 elevator pitches in five minutes. This beat the previous record by three pitches. The record was set as part of New York Entrepreneur Week.

01:08 United States

Most Internet Signals Picked Up In One Location

Corey Henderson

Corey Henderson picked up 41 internet signals at URDB HQ in New York City’s Chinatown neighborhood.

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