Largest Collection Of Personal Home Videos


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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada / September 5, 2017

Darryl Learie currently has 6,114 home videos in his collection, totalling over 749 hours of play.


- music videos, movies, or TV shows may not be included



Tags: largestcollectionvideohome video

  • United States Ashipa Retyhr

    Videotaping moments from your home life is a good way to preserve memories. If you don't really have a home life though, you should make up your mind and explore best free online dating sites in manitoba province that are perfect for creating a stable relationship. This is the best course of action if you want to set up your personal life with a girl you love.

  • Canada Darryl Learie

    Good questions, and I already thought of that, myself - I submitted 2 screen capture video clips, and one was using windows media player to bench mark exactly how much culmunitive play-time all of my home videos would have if played one, after the other - total play time 253 hours. That works out to an average time of 5 minutes per home video clip. I'm always careful to rule out duplicates, because I convert them all in wmv. format I find and delete duplicates that match the same number of kilobytes, and time, and also match video thumbnails.

  • Australia Peter Craig

    interesting record category... it's a little difficult to determine "home video" and how long a video should be. I have full 2 hr vhs tapes in one file, but the same in time for 100 smaller clips... maybe it should be recorded in hours instead of "clips". But with that said, looking over all my clips I have a total of 3,190 - I'd be interested to see what that equates to in hours/minutes for you and I'll work out the same for mine, then we can see an average time for your clips. Do record submission videos for example come under "personal home videos" and what about duplicates, variations or edits?

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