Juggling World Records

Juggling world records are enormously popular at RecordSetter. Hundreds of categories have been established, and if you can throw things in the air and catch them again, you've got a shot at beating any of them. Balls, knives, bowling pins and eggs feature prominently, but, if that seems too easy, check out the juggling records involving candy bars, beanbag chairs and traffic cones.

Other ways to add difficulty to juggling world records include standing on a rola bola, performing on a unicycle, or lighting things on fire.

1191 Records Found

00:59 United States

Most Catches Juggling Five Balls In 30 Seconds

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey juggled five balls, catching them 158 times in 30 seconds.


Tallest Penny Tower Stacked On A CD Held In Hand

Alex Gaywood

Alex G. stacked 60 pennies on a CD held in his hand.

00:15 United States

Fastest Time To Complete 50 Catches Of Two Two-Pound Balls In One Hand While Juggling In A Column Pattern

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 50 catches of two two-pound balls in 15.00 seconds while juggling in a column pattern using only one hand.

02:39 United States

Longest Time Juggling Three Balls Overhead While Hula Hooping


Pete Moyer juggled three balls over his head for two minutes, 28.82 seconds while hula hooping.

11:49 United States

Longest Time Sitting On A Slackline


Siena Barkan sat on a slackline for 11 minutes, 40.00 seconds.

00:15 Canada

Most Performances Of A Three-Ball Shower Pattern Inside A Two-Ball Shower Pattern In 15 Seconds

Mike Moore

Mike Moore performed a three-ball shower pattern inside a two-ball shower pattern 29 times in 15 seconds.

02:19 United States

Longest Time To Juggle Two Two-Pound Balls In One Hand While Balancing On One Leg

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey juggled two two-pound balls using just one hand while balancing on one leg for two minutes, 15.28 seconds.

00:36 United States

Most Neck Catches From A Three Ball Cascade Pattern In 30 Seconds

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 13 consecutive neck catches from a three ball cascade pattern in 30 seconds.

02:16 United States

Most Myachi Tosses Through An Airborne Juggling Ring Using Alternating Hands In One Minute

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 53 consecutive Myachi tosses through an airborne juggling ring in one minute. He alternated hands between each Myachi toss.

01:26 United States

Most Clubs Juggled While Sword Swallowing

Root Berry

Root Berry juggled five clubs while sword swallowing. NOTE: Sword swallowing is dangerous, please do not attempt these records without proper training, supervision and safety precautions.

00:51 United States

Most Ping Pong Balls Juggled With One Hand

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey juggled three ping pong balls in one hand.

00:23 United States

Most Catches Juggling Three Beanbag Chairs In A Shower Pattern

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey complated 28 catches juggling three beanbag chairs in a shower pattern. He set the record to celebrate World Juggling Day. #WorldJugglingDay2012

00:30 United States

Most Catches Made While Juggling A Rubber Chicken, Brush, Pan, Tennis Racket And A Plunger

Cool Juggler

Cool Juggler made 15 catches while juggling a rubber chicken, brush, pan, tennis racket and a plunger.

01:33 Portugal

Longest Time Juggling Three Balls In Mills Mess Pattern While Blindfolded

Pedro Gouveia

Pedro G. juggled three balls in Mills Mess pattern for one minute, 25.11 seconds while blindfolded.

00:19 United States

Most Bites Taken Out Of Three Apples In 15 Seconds While Juggling Them And Balancing On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey took 48 bites out of three apples in 15 seconds while juggling them and balancing on a rola bola.

01:36 England

Most Catches Juggling Three Balls In One Minute While Standing On One Foot

Richard Wilson

Richard Wilson completed 300 catches juggling three balls in one minute while standing on one foot.

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