Juggling World Records

Juggling world records are enormously popular at RecordSetter. Hundreds of categories have been established, and if you can throw things in the air and catch them again, you've got a shot at beating any of them. Balls, knives, bowling pins and eggs feature prominently, but, if that seems too easy, check out the juggling records involving candy bars, beanbag chairs and traffic cones.

Other ways to add difficulty to juggling world records include standing on a rola bola, performing on a unicycle, or lighting things on fire.

1191 Records Found

00:14 United States

Most Balls Juggled While Lying Down

David Cain

David Cain juggled six balls while lying down.

01:13 United States

Longest Time For A Teenager To Juggle Three Bowling Pins


Collin K. of Crazy Pinz team juggled three bowling pins for one minute, 0.70 second.

00:08 England

Fastest Time To Complete Three Push-Ups And Juggle Three Rings

Ewan Clementson

Ewan Clementson completed three push-ups and juggled three rings in 5.17 seconds.

01:56 United States

Longest Time Juggling Three Golf Putters

Kyle Johnson

Kyle J. juggled three golf putters for one minute, 53.50 seconds.

00:09 United States

Tallest Object Balanced On Forehead While Juggling

David Cain

David C. balanced a vertical 15 foot pole on his forehead while juggling.

01:00 United States

Most Cascade Patterns Stolen By A Female Juggler From A Male Juggler Lying On His Back


A female juggler stole a juggled cascade pattern from Pete Moyer 10 times while he was lying down.

07:43 The Internet

Most Consecutive Juggles In Arena Mode Of "FIFA 12"


UtzenundBamsen completed 1,204 juggles in Arena mode of FIFA 12.

04:06 Canada

Longest Time To Balance Three Double-Bitted Axes On Chin

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced three double-bitted axes on his chin for 10.81 seconds. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

01:33 United States

Most Behind-The-Back Tosses While Juggling Three Balls In One Minute

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 20 consecutive behind-the-back tosses while juggling three balls in one minute.

02:11 United States

Longest Time To Juggle Three Rings While Hula Hooping


Pete Moyer juggled three rings while hula hooping for two minutes, 7.48 seconds.

00:16 Australia

Most Consecutive Three-Ball Mills Mess Patterns While Spinning A Basketball On A Mouthstick Held In Mouth


Demythrate completed 10 consecutive three-ball Mills Mess patterns while spinning a basketball on a mouthstick held in his mouth.

00:52 Australia

Longest Time Juggling Two Golf Balls While Spinning A Basketball On One Finger


Brendan Kelbie juggled two golf balls for 11.78 seconds while spinning a basketball on one finger.

00:32 United States

Most Catches In 30 Seconds While Juggling Three Balls In A Chops Pattern

Gold Member

Gold Member completed 111 catches in 30 seconds while juggling three balls in a chops pattern. He completed a total of 114 catches but the last two attempts did not fall inside the 30 second mark.

00:43 United States

Most Continuous Shots Made While Juggling Three Basketballs


Whit J. made 15 continuous shots while juggling three basketballs.

03:50 The Internet

Oldest Person To Complete A Joggling Marathon

Jack Hirschowitz

Jack Hirschowitz ran a 26-mile marathon while juggling three balls. He is 69 years old and ran while juggling during five New York City marathons. Read more about the feat here.

00:34 United States

Most Catches In 30 Seconds While Juggling Three Clubs In A Chops Pattern

Dakota Hall

Dakota E. completed 90 catches in 30 seconds while juggling three clubs in a chops pattern.

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