1827 Records Found

01:12 Nepal

Highest Tap Dance

Heather O'Neal

Heather O’Neal tap danced at an elevation of 5364 meters. She performed the feat at Mount Everest’s South Base Camp in Khumbu, Nepal. #RecordSetterBook01

01:59 Pakistan

Highest Score In "Subway Surfers" (Mobile)

Karim Mayur

Karim M. earned 2,000,001,660 points in Subway Surfers.

01:45 United States

Highest Distance Reached By Flying Straight Up In "Minecraft"

Zeref Dragneel

Zeref D. flew upwards in Minecraft, reaching a distance of 23,000,300 blocks high.


Highest Concert Performed In The United States

Chris Carraba

Chris Carraba of Dashboard Confessional performed a concert on top of Pikes Peak Mountain in Colorado at 14,111 feet above sea level. The concert was performed to raise funds for The Love Hope Strength Foundation.

01:18 United States

Highest Score In "Temple Run 2"

Adam Kellogg

Adam K. earned 650,009,360 points in Temple Run 2.

00:14 Norway

Highest Flying Push-Up

Ahmed Valentino

Ahmed "Iron Monkey" Kerigo performed a flying push-up using stacks of small benches 1.36 meters high. He is the founder and CEO of the calisthenics group Team Physix-Zero Gravity.

00:37 The Internet

Highest High Five

Greg Harrell-Edge

Greg Harrell-Edge and Dave Penndorf performed a high five 9 1/2 feet (114 inches) off the ground. The duo set the record to celebrate National High Five Day.

02:03 United States

Highest Muscle Pass With A Poker Chip While Hand Rests On Table

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed a 16-inch-high muscle pass with an eight-gram poker chip, while his hand remained on the table.

01:44 United States

Highest Muscle Pass With An Eisenhower Silver Dollar Coin While Hand Rests On Table

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed an 11-inch-high muscle pass with an Eisenhower Dollar coin, while his hand rested on a table.

02:46 United States

Highest TNT Tower In Creative Mode Of "Minecraft"


Record Setter placed 1,632,000 units of TNT in Minecraft creative mode.

United States

Highest Number Counted To In Binary In 30 Seconds


Jonathan A. counted 31 numbers in binary in 30 seconds.

16:52 The Internet

Highest Wave Reached On "Bloons Tower Defense 5" (Online)

Tsubasa Sama

Tsubasa S. reached Wave 1,000 on Bloons Tower Defense 5.

00:44 The Internet

Highest Distance Jumped On "Minecraft"

Ryan Shihabi

Ryan S. jumped 609,600 meters on Minecraft.

00:23 United States

Highest Score In "2048"

Shatham Patur

Shatham P. earned 87,375,852 points in 2048.

01:00 Argentina

Highest Score In Arcade Mode Of "Fruit Ninja"

Saurik Works

Saurik W. earned 74,800 points in Fruit Ninja. The game was set in arcade mode for the attempt.

01:38 United States

Highest Distance To Drop A Connect Four Piece Into A Connect Four Board

Josh Graber

Josh Graber dropped a Connect Four piece to a Connect Four board from a height of 31.5 inches.

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