1827 Records Found

01:34 The Internet

Highest Score On "Hoop Fever" Arcade Game

Nicholas Cobb

Nicholas C. earned 97 points on Hoop Fever arcade game.

02:49 United States

Tallest Dice Tower On A Carpet

Tai Star

Tai Star stacked 16 dice on top of each other.


Highest Skee-Ball Score While Rolling Balls Backward Between Legs

Steve Welch

Steve Welch earned 350 points in a singleSkee-Ballframe, rolling each ball through his legs while facing backwards. He set the record at the Brewskee-Ball National Championship at Full Circle Bar in Brooklyn, New York. [#Brewskee-BallNYC2011][]

00:52 United States

Highest Skee-Ball Score While Rolling Ball Forward Between Legs

Aaron Re

Aaron R. earned 410 points in a single Skee-Ball frame, rolling each ball through his legs while facing forwards.

03:49 England

Highest Distance Reached Flying Straight Up Using Ender Crystal In "Minecraft"

Jacob Walters

Jacob W. reached 14,679.75 blocks flying straight up using an Ender Crystal in Minecraft.

02:09 United States

Highest Score In The Sports Minigame In "ExciteBots: Trick Racing"

Alex Cunningham

Alex Cunningham earned 144 points in the sport minigame in "Excitebots: Trick Racing."

09:21 The Internet

Highest Number Counted To In A Facebook Group With Fewer Than 100 Members

Mia Spicer

Mia and her friends on Facebook counted to 2,063.

06:02 Germany

Tallest Dice Tower On A Smooth Surface

Maximiliano Pugliese

Maximiliano P. stacked 40 dice on top of each other on a smooth surface.

00:31 United States

Highest Score In Combat Training In "Call of Duty: Black Ops II"

Snoww Axius

Snoww Axius scored 30,000 points in Combat Training in Call of Duty: Black Ops II.

06:19 Canada

Highest Pulse Jump Resulting From A Phobia

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie’s pulse jumped 30 bpm as the result of a phobia.

00:35 United States

Highest Number Counted To In Ternary (Base 3) In 30 Seconds


Jonathan A. counted 38 numbers in ternary in 30 seconds.

00:51 United States

Highest Helicopter Basketball Shot

Scott Erickson

Scott Erickson of Man Vs. Internet made a successful basketball shot from inside a helicopter hovering at 192 feet.

01:30 Ireland

Highest Score In "Flappi Kachu" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 53 points in Flappi Kachu.

02:07 England

Highest Stack Of Pillows Sat On

Luke Heslington

Luke H. sat on a stack of 17 pillows.

06:57 United States

Highest Between-The-Legs Bowling Score


Mark Vetter scored 280 points in a single game of ten-pin bowling, releasing all the balls between his legs.

00:05 Bulgaria

Highest Score In Temple Run: Brave

Curro Torres

Curro T. earned 165,746,656 points in Temple Run: Brave.

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