Candy World Records
Candy. Everyone loves it. Instead of just eating lots of candy, try something more productive. Use candy to set a world record.
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98 Records Found

Most Kinder Egg Toys Displayed On A Desk
Marcus Brims

Most Life Savers Candies Eaten At Once
Jeremiah Paul

Most Lollipops Held In Hand At Once
Megan Gibert

Most M&M's Eaten In One Minute
Alyjha Williams

Most M&M's Eaten In One Minute Using Only Right Hand
wyatt strebel

Most Marshmallows Stacked On A Person
The Club of Springville

Most Mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cups Stacked On A Single Mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
Tai Star

Most Miniature Candy Canes Licked In 30 Seconds On One's 30th Birthday
Laurie Danielle

Most Mixed Berry Ice Breaker Sours Put In Mouth
Riley Rist

Most Peeps Balanced On An iPhone
Ryan Shannon

Most Peeps Eaten In 30 Seconds
Takeru Kobayashi

Most Peeps Fit In Open Mouth
Kelsey McDonald

Most Peeps Placed On Sleeping Baby In A Stop-Motion Film
Greg Roberts

Most People To Blow Bubble Gum Bubbles At Once
Reflections of Christ Student Ministry

Most Pieces Of Bazooka Bubble Gum Used To Blow A Bubble
Jacob Fowler

Most Polo Mints Fit Inside A Closed Mouth
Gregor Philp
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