Candy World Records
Candy. Everyone loves it. Instead of just eating lots of candy, try something more productive. Use candy to set a world record.
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98 Records Found

Most Candy Canes Stuffed In A Beard
Jamie Trinder

Most Candy Corns Fit In A Closed Mouth
Jacob Farley

Most Chocolate Bars Named In 15 Seconds
Erin Burdt

Most Computers Held By Two People While Sharing A Chocolate Bar
iD Tech Camp - Vassar College

Most Consecutive M&M's Tossed And Caught In Mouth In 30 Seconds
Chris Parsons

Most Consecutive Warheads Eaten
Elias Sozkesen

Most Dum Dum Pops Held In One Hand
Lindsey Coy

Most Dum Dums Stabbed Into An Apple In One Minute
Debra Emory

Most Frubes Eaten By Two People In Five Minutes
Joe Heatley

Most Full-Sized Snickers Bars Eaten In One Sitting
Naader Reda

Most Gummy Bears Stuck To The Windows Of A Prius In Two Minutes
Prius Records

Most Gummy Candies Consecutively Thrown And Caught In Mouth
Cooper Scott

Most Ice Breakers Sours Held In Mouth
Genice Winkle
Most Jelly Babies Fit In Mouth
Abi Jones

Most Jelly Beans Moved From One Bowl To Another Using Tweezers In One Minute In A Prius
Prius Records

Most Jelly Bean-Stuffed Peeps Fit Inside A 7-Ounce Chocolate Bunny
Erin Fierst
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