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Longest Pronunciation Of "Jimmy Fallon"

The Internet

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Falls Church, Virginia, United States / December 17, 2009

Jack Webster took one minute, 41.18 seconds to say the name "Jimmy Fallon[]."


- allowed two breaths per word



Tags: mouthlengthbreathLNWJFJimmy Fallonlungbreathe

  • Australia Peter Craig

    I have to agree it's obscure to have 4 breaths for 2 words although it is 4 syllables, it just sounds really obscure... but then that's partly the nature of urdb within reason but an alternate category should be started with just one breath.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    This whole multi-breath criteria thing is weird to me. I suggest someone start a new category for Longest Single-Breath Pronunciation Of 'Jimmy Fallon.'

  • The Internet Grace Paulsen

    How does everyone feel if he used three breaths instead of two breaths per word as the criteria indicates, should we honor this feat?

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