Yoga World Records

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194 Records Found

00:21 United States

Most Face Slaps In 10 Seconds While Holding A Crow Pose

Chaim Weizmann

Chaim W. held a crow pose while being slapped in the face 72 times in 10 seconds.

00:34 India

Most Leg Kicks While Holding A Peacock Pose In 30 Seconds

Suresh Gaur

Suresh G. completed 124 leg kicks in 30 seconds while holding a peacock pose.

05:29 United States

Longest Time Playing "Flappy Bird" While Holding A Lotus Pose

Caroline Savage

Caroline S. played Flappy Bird for five minutes, 3.54 seconds while holding a lotus pose.

00:52 United States

Most Rear Leg Kicks While Holding A Crow Pose In 30 Seconds

Tai Star

Tai Star completed 191 rear leg kicks in 30 seconds while holding the crow pose.

04:36 India

Longest Paper Clip Chain Assembled In One Minute


Shripad V. assembled a single chain made out of 74 paper clips in one minute.

00:58 The Internet

Longest Time Holding The Shoulder Flag Pose


Talmatkadi held a shoulder flag pose for 40.56 seconds.

00:22 France

Longest Shoulder Flag Pose While Wearing Two Two-Kilogram Ankle Weights

Vass Thesupersaiyan

Vass T. held a shoulder flag pose for 18.10 seconds while wearing two-kilogram weights on his ankles.

03:29 India

Longest Paper Clip Chain Assembled In 30 Seconds


Shripad V. assembled a single chain made out of 51 paper clips in 30 seconds.

05:51 India

Most Rubber Bands Stretched Over The Head In One Minute


Shripad V. stretched 82 rubber bands over his face.

05:16 India

Most Tennis Balls Held In Hand At Once


Shripad Vaidya held 23 tennis balls in his hand at once.

06:53 Nepal

Longest Time Holding Dancer's Pose

Pramila Deuja "Paaramee"

Pramila D. held a yoga dancer's pose for six minutes, 52.47 seconds.

00:21 France

Longest Time Holding One-Armed Human Flag Pose With Shoulders Leaning On Pole

Kevin Soler

Kevin Soler held a one-armed human flag pose for 15.84 seconds with his shoulders leaning on the pole.

04:20 United States

Longest Crow Pose With A Bird On Body

Tai Star

Tai Star held a yoga crow pose for three minutes, 14.50 seconds while his mom's pet cockatiel was on his back.

02:26 United States

Most Photos Taken In 60 Seconds While Holding A Yoga Tree Pose

Tai Star

Tai Star took 87 photos in 60 seconds while holding a yoga tree pose.

00:59 The Internet

Most Bubbles Blown In 30 Seconds With Leg Behind Back


Skyler Kardell blew 12 bubbles in 30 seconds with his leg behind his back. He is a yoga enthusiast. His friends call him the most flexible kid in their school.

01:12 United States

Most Yoga Poses In One Minute In A Prius

Prius Records

This record was set as part of Prius Records, a two-day event streamed live on the Internet. In a 48-hour period, URDB officials adjudicated 200 Prius-related world records. This was the most records ever documented in a 48-hour window, a world record in and of itself. The event took place in Los Angeles, California on March 30th and 31st, 2011. See all the records set at the event here.

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