Record Broken!

See Current

Most Yogasanas Performed While Floating In Water


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Bengaluru, Karnataka, India / March 27, 2017

Suresh Kumar performed 43 yogasanas while floating in water.

- must be suspended in water throughout attempt
- must perform complete yogasanas
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostyogawaterfloatingyogasana

  • India Mathew Cherian

    Most time his full body, especially legs don't stay above water. Repetition of same asana on other side. Mudras cannot be counted as yogasanas. So its a failure and not breaking of the pioneers current record.

  • The Internet Mathew Cherian

    While doing the ardha pavan mukthasan and purna pawan muktasan...he can't stay in perfect pose for even 2 secs....all these cannot be counted as asana at all. Well if he can hold in the pose for atleast 5 sec it is good....So the performance...I consider as a total failure....pls try redoing once again maintaining right posture, holding for more seconds...with out repetitions...etc...

  • The Internet Mathew Cherian

    Also while doing the reverse padmasana with face down in water....notice that his body is not comming straight...So lots of mistakes coming in which cannot be counted as done is partial completed.

  • The Internet Mathew Cherian

    Also Suresh is repeating the same yoga poses 3 or 4 times...and he doesn't have a perfect control in water. He collieds on the bank of the pool several times....By repetition may be he says he has done more.....

  • The Internet Mathew Cherian

    Also many of the poses....he cannot confidently stay for 5-10 seconds which is unacceptable as a yoga pose...Judges of Record setter please note all the points I have stated and ask him to re-perform the asanas as per my rule suggested to be more precise, clear and confident.

  • The Internet Mathew Cherian

    So I don't consider that my record has been broken.... as there was no perfection regarding the toes part when performing the poses....

  • The Internet Mathew Cherian

    Also regarding the depth of water....I can perform in 10 feet deep or a 10000 feet deep sea...depth is no problem for me....

  • The Internet Mathew Cherian

    Okay...if it is a seating posture or vertical standing posture then it is a different case.....So I don't accept that he has perfectly broken my record...and the other thing is about the time....he has taken more time than me as well. Also he has not done all the asanas which I have performed.....

  • The Internet Mathew Cherian

    So the basic rule of water floating with perfection was broken by Suresh kumar of bengaluru.

  • The Internet Mathew Cherian

    Suresh kumars floating yogasanas are unacceptatble as his toes does not rise above water level, in other words his full body is not floating all the time.

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