
Highest Diving Board Splash

United States


Lava Hot Springs, Idaho, United States / June 21, 2008

Ben Jones jumped off a 10-meter diving board and made a splash that reached 11.9 meters (39 feet) in height.

- may jump from any height
- distance measured from water to highest point of splash
- may not use any items to increase height of splash
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: waterheightpooldivingsplashdiving board

  • The Internet Jeeves

    I AM impressed!! 😉 That splash has got to be some kinda record!!! That was incredibly high!!! And Major Kudos for having the guts to do the jump at all!

  • Well I'm not impress, but it's too high i can't believe it you did it.

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