Tallest Highlighter Marker Tower

United States

1 like

St. George, Utah, United States / August 21, 2017

Jeremy A. made a tower out of highlighter markers 13 markers in height.

- no outside support permitted to keep markers balanced 
- glue and other adhesives not permitted
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: balancingtallesttowermarkerhighlighter

  • The Internet Nicolas

    I made 16!!!!

    • The Internet fred

      who are you? im doing a school project where we beat a world record, and i have you as the record i have to beat at 16. i would like to be able to email/ text you nicholas, due to the fact that i need more information on how and when you achieved the fabled 16 stack of highliters. there is a high likelyhood you will not see this, due to how your account has been dormant for 3 years, but please help me oh god he has a knife help me help help help help please help help me help

    • The Internet fred

      whats your email

  • The Internet Amanda

    My friend Jackson can do 13.

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Thanks Tito, changing now.

  • United States Tito Phongphouthai

    Note: the individual in the video is Quang Do!

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