Marker World Records

30 Records Found

00:54 The Internet

Most Strangers Marker Mustached In 30 Seconds

Thomas Buchanan

Thomas B. led a member of Revolve Student Ministry of Oologah Assembly of God to marker mustache 37 people in 30 seconds.

01:38 The Internet

Most Images Of Donald Trump Mustached In One Minute

Hector Garrett

Hector G. drew marker mustaches on 139 pictures of Donald Trump in one minute.

01:31 The Internet

Longest Expo Marker Train

Chelsey Stafford

Grade 5 Enrichment Students at Sippican School in Marion, Massachusetts connected 294 Expo markers at once.

00:41 Germany

Tallest Dice Tower Stacked On A Standing Marker

Maximiliano Pugliese

Maximiliano P. stacked 32 dice on a standing marker.

03:05 United States

Most Flowers Drawn In Two Minutes

Ellie Saunders

Ellie S. drew 75 flowers in two minutes.

02:10 United States

Most J.Crew Catalogue Models Mustached In One Minute


Marc Tatarsky drew mustaches on 63 clothing models in a J.Crew catalog in one minute.

02:08 United States

Fastest Time To Write A Limerick

Mark Shadowmont

Mark S. wrote a limerick in 41.14 seconds. The limerick read: There once was a man from Missouri, He seemed always in such a big hurry.. He was eating his food, and couldn't find his spoon He said that his vision was blurry.

01:04 United States

Most Markers Held In One Foot At Once

Vyvy Tran

Vyvy T. held 12 markers in his foot at once.

05:00 Canada

Longest Time Balancing A Driveway Marker On Ear While Kneeling

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a driveway marker on his ear for three minutes, 41.66 seconds while kneeling.

03:00 United States

Tallest Highlighter Marker Tower

Jeremy Atkin

Jeremy A. made a tower out of highlighter markers 13 markers in height.

04:59 Canada

Longest Time Balancing 11 Highlighters On Chin

Doug McManaman

Brian Pankey balanced 11 interconnected highlighters on his chin for two minutes, 18.47 seconds. He performed the entire record on his knees.

01:24 The Internet

Most Cracker People Created In One Minute

Quinn Adams

Quinn A. created eight cracker people in one minute.

00:00 United States

Longest Fake Seizure While Wearing Goggles And Holding A Black Marker

Brayden Blumentritt

Brayden B. performed a fake seizure while wearing goggles and holding a black marker for two minutes.

03:12 Canada

Longest Time Balancing 11 Highlighters On Nose While Sitting

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced 11 highlighters on his nose for 41.81 seconds while sitting.

00:25 United States

Most Sharpies Blown Over With A Single Breath

Gavin Christie

Gavin Christie blew over 40 Sharpies using a single breath, a new world record.

02:15 Canada

Longest Time Balancing A Driveway Marker On Forehead While Kneeling

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a driveway marker on his forhead for one minute, 4.34 seconds while kneeling.

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