Most Slides On A Slip 'n Slide In One Minute While Wearing A Hot Dog Costume

United States


San Diego, California, United States / July 1, 2011

Sean Sonic of radio station Channel 933 completed seven slides on a Slip ’n Slide while wearing a hotdog costume in one minute, a new world record.

- must use full length Slip 'n Slide
- must slide or wiggle across entire length of Slide
- may not run across Slide
- must wear hot dog costume for duration of attempt


Tags: mostwaterwearingcostumehot dogslidingSlip 'n Slideslipping

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  • Canada Dan Rollman

    I'd never seen this before. Awesome! Sean, it's time for some new records.

  • The Internet Alastair Coote

    I think the addition of the Hot Dog costume really takes this record to the next level. Hilarious.

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