Most Reps Bench Pressing A 300-Pound Weight (Athlete Under 220 Lbs.)

United States


Chicago, Illinois, United States / August 20, 2013

Darius bench pressed a 300-pound barbell 13 consecutive times. His body weight is less than 220 pounds during the attempt.

- record setter must weigh no more than 220 pounds
- must touch weight to chest and press to a complete lockout
- must lift weight unassisted
- must lift weight with no supportive equipment
- must lift weight raw (without the aid of a bench press shirt)
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostsportsexercisefitnessstrengthweightweight liftingbarbell

  • United States darius robinson

    wow thank you clint means alot coming from you!

  • United States Clint Poore

    Darius, Good lifting with great form and technique!
    Keep those lifting World Records coming!

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