Record Broken!

See Current

Longest Egg Toss

The Internet

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, United States / August 21, 2011

Stride’s setting 100 records in 100 days. At the end of 100 days, we’ll verify if you are the standing Record Holder. If you are, you’ll get $500 for each record you managed to hold with your guile, talent, and sheer will.

General caution and common sense required. We show the Stride Team at work, but recommend that these challenges be done at home.

- must throw a raw egg
- egg must remain unbroken after being caught
- must catch egg with bare hands
- must crack egg on video after catch to prove it's raw
- must use measuring tape to document distance between participants
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: catchingthrowingegg

  • United States Neil Moallem

    I'm sorry but the moderators screwed up big time on this one, the distance that the egg is thrown is clearly not 200ft. I'm sorry Mike but you should win this....

  • The Internet Mike Blanchard

    Great decision

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Our moderation team approves Dustin's attempt in this category.

  • The Internet alex Gross

    where in the rules does it say that the camera has to show the thrower and the catcher...... that doesn't make sense and plus just because he can throw a egg further then you doesn't mean you got to get mad about everything......? What rule didn't they go by that shouldn't make this count? The used a raw egg, the egg was unbroken, egg was caught with bare hands, they egg was cracked on video, they made the successful catch, and they measured how far the egg went. so if you ask me that is a recorded according to the rules.

  • The Internet Mike Blanchard

    I uploaded a video at 176 feet and the distance appears further than this. The problem was never the fact that he didnt catch it, the camera angle does NOT show both the thrower and the catcher in the same frame. This doesnt take into account the fact that an egg cannot even be accurately thrown 200 feet. Me and my witness play baseball and have above average arm strength. All the other egg toss records have the appropriate camera angle and this attempt is the only one questionable. If you upload my attempt I guarantee all of the egg-tossers would agree it should be the appropriate winner. Obviously enough people have said that they disagree it should count, therefore it should't.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Mike and Jeff: Dustin submitted further evidence as requested. (See the link in the INFO section.) We reviewed the new video and watched the original submission multiple times. Based on the two videos together, we reverted our decision and ultimately approved it.

  • The Internet alex Gross

    this is bs if you ask me i caught that egg..... if you look in the video footage you can see the egg falling out of the sky and there was noone in the area so why did it get denied i think that you guys need to relook at dustin throw because he threw that egg to me and it isnt a fake.....

  • United States Benjamin Gross

    Watch it in full screen you can see it pretty clearly

  • United States Benjamin Gross

    Rob Watch from 14- 16 seconds right when alex is catching it you can see it fall down into his hands.

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Upon further review, it is impossible to say with complete confidence whether an egg was actually thrown. We are happy to look at further evidence if Dustin Sulek can provide it, but until then, we have changed this attempt to "Denied" and reverted the record to Jeff Pastuzyn.

  • The Internet Wes Turner

    Nooo way is this 200 ft, it doesn't look close to the attempts before

  • United States Neil Moallem

    Ben I'm sorry but the distance is not 200ft. My friends and I measured out 200ft yesterday and it was easily twice the distance that you show the egg being thrown

  • United States Benjamin Gross

    How isnt it i measured it all out on video? I showed the start before he threw the egg, after we smashed it. Also showed evey step of measuring it and followed the tape all the way down both times. It was Def. 200 ft. Nuff said haters

  • United States Brian Pankey

    I like all the competitors doing this record!

  • United States J C

    this isnt 200 ft

  • United States Joseph Hughes

    look closely at this video and study the distance! 200 feet! reconsider this video.

  • United States Neil Moallem

    There is absolutely NO WAY that that was a 200ft throw. It does't even look CLOSE to 200ft

  • The Internet Tom Oppelt

    for real...i obviously tried this more than once...i was like, how the heck did these guys do that... totally thought it was impossible... lets keep it goin!!

  • The Internet Mike Blanchard

    We'll be doing this again. Competition should get intense

  • The Internet Tom Oppelt

    just because i know people like to post comments about how things didnt happen so im going to post a link to the other video that was taken just so people can see it from the other angle...

  • The Internet Tom Oppelt

    Thank you very much for the rewatch. Much appreciated

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Hi Tom, we DENIED this attempt originally, because we could not tell where the thrower was. However, upon submission of video number two which shows a much clearer attempt and measurement, we feel we can recognize your attempt of 150 feet.

  • The Internet Tom Oppelt

    Why was my attempt denied????

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    These are all valid concerns. We never see the raw egg cracked. Furthermore, while the chalk measurement appears legitimate, it doesn't provide definitive evidence. We have revised our original decision and changed this attempt to Denied.

  • United States Alyjha Williams

    kenneth 20mins? really? lol now i know you didnt do it right

  • United States J C

    dontget your hopes up kenneth. kuz a record was accepted before then some one pointed outa flaw and it was taken down......nd urs has like twelve flaws

  • United States Kenneth Evans

    These are all good arguments, but that's all they are, arguments.I spent 20mins marking the measurements and it took 7 eggs. I wouldn't have took all that time on this record if I didn't know everything was legit! All the measurements are accurate, I caught the egg, smashed it on the floor, and stride agreed with me! So why don't u stop complaining and crying and break some records like we're all trying to do!!

  • United States Kenneth Evans

  • United States Neil Moallem

    If they wanted to, they could have made each foot marker actually only 8". Which means the distance they actually threw the egg could have only been 63'. How did they get away with this...? I'm clueless

  • United States Christophe Flodstrom

    Here's what we'll do... leave it to Mortal Kombat. Round one, FIGHT!

  • United States Good Bye

    I agree with errrrbody, especially Mike and Neil.

  • United States J C

    nd u cant even see home boy clearly catch it.

  • The Internet Mike Bolotnikov

    "- must use measuring tape to accurately document distance between participants" That wasn't followed and the egg wasn't broken on video. You just heard a splat in the background, that could be anything. This should not be accepted.

  • United States Neil Moallem

    This is absolutely ridiculous how can this be accepted??? I am disappointed in Stride for accepting this one. Chalk measurement, really? Plus they never actually SHOWED the egg being broken. Incredible.

  • United States J C

    how can you accept chalk measurment. each of them increments kud be 10" kud u possibly accept thsi?????

  • The Internet Wes Turner

    thought you had to show the egg being broken after... not just the motion of throwing it on the ground..

  • United States Kenneth Evans

    Well we didnt have 120ft measuring tape so with our 30ft tape, we just kept going until we got 120ft...and it worked

  • United States Good Bye

    How is chalk on the pavement an accurate measurement?

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