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Fastest Time To Perform A Three-Phase Ambitious Card Routine With Surprise Ending

United States

Springfield, Illinois, United States / January 30, 2012

Brian Pankey completed a three-phased Ambitious card routine in 41.10 seconds.

Phases of the routine:

Phase 1 - Signed card is put in the center of the deck of cards, then card returns back to the top of deck.

Phase 2 - Repeat phase 1

Phase 3 - Put signed card inside pocket. Reveal that the deck of cards is nailed together.

- must use a deck of 52 standard-sized playing cards
-  time starts once the first phase of the routine begins
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: wildcardfastestplaying cardspeedtrickcard manipulationmagicAmbitious card routine

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