
Most Consecutive Tennis Ball Bounces On A Table Tennis Paddle Handle



Ruabon, Wales / July 10, 2016

Mark Evans bounced a tennis ball 289 times on a table tennis paddle handle.

- must use regulation-size tennis ball and table tennis paddle
- must use only one hand for duration of attempt
- count stops if ball or paddle touches object or person
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostbouncingbouncingbouncetable tennistable tennis paddleconsecutivetennishandlehandle

  • Australia Demythrate

    please make a comeback Mark ill be waiting to compete with you

  • Wales Mark Evans

    it sure is laurent thanks

    • England Laurent Kelly

      I've started incorporating the paddle into coordination workouts though it'll be a while before I can challenge any of these insane records.

  • England Laurent Kelly

    this is way tougher thaj it looks, kudos to a great score.

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