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Most Cumulative Table Tennis Ball Bounces Between Paddle Handle And Alternate Paddle Sides Over Three Attempts


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Blakeview, South Australia, Australia / August 12, 2010

Peter Craig bounced a table tennis ball from the paddle handle to alternating sides of a table tennis paddle a total of 241 times added from three attempts. First attempt had 95 bounces, second attempt had 103 bounces, third attempt had 43 bounces.

- ball can start from handle or paddle and doesn't have to follow sequence from previous attempts
- ball must bounce from handle to one side, handle to alternate side and so on
- ball or paddle must not touch any other surface, object or person
- must use only one hand
- video evidence must be continuous with no cuts
- each attempt must be preceded by stating the current attempt


Tags: bouncingballtable tennispaddleconsecutivealternatingping ponghandlebouncesmultipleattempts

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