Most Consecutive Table Tennis Ball Bounces Using Alternating Knees


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Blakeview, South Australia, Australia / June 10, 2010

Peter Craig bounced a table tennis ball seven times on the top of his knees. He alternated knees after each bounce.

- ball must bounce on the top of the thigh or knee to count 
- knees must alternate bounces


Tags: jugglingbouncingtable tennisalternatingknees

  • United States Johny Quid


  • Algeria Jones halcyonn

    Great post! I didn’t knowral of these resources and I’m going to go check them out now! tunnel rush

  • The Internet Jared Stahl

    at first i thought this record was impressive.i am terribly dissapointed when i found out that it is only 7 bounces. if you are going to go for a difficult recod i want to see at least somewhat of a real attempt. this is absolutely disgraceful.

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