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Fastest Time To Complete Green Hill Zone Act 1 In "Sonic The Hedgehog"


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Donetsk, Ukraine / October 19, 2013

Stepan M. completed Green Hill Zone Act 1 of Sonic the Hedgehog in 23.00 seconds.

- must provide video evidence


Tags: fastestgaminggamevideo gameSonic the Hedgehog

  • United States daryl johns

    You can access Games Unblocked Premium on Classroom6X to enjoy a wide variety of fun and engaging games without restrictions. It’s a great option for quick entertainment during breaks. Just make sure to use it responsibly!

  • The Internet herrylau

    In this article, we’ll explore what makes Hole IO so appealing, its gameplay features, and tips to improve your skills.

  • The Internet Luke Duke

    I did it in 22 seconds when It first come out. 27 seconds was the world record at the time. I fluked it once and was on the right hand side of the screen that much it couldn't keep up. Couldn't video back then lol but I broke it. Doubt U can get under this record. I played it 4 hours a day for months. Impossible for any quicker.

  • The Internet Desire Nomel

    Please give me sonic green hill Zone

  • The Internet Garrett

    Yo I beat 22.83

  • United States Leslie Jones

    He used a Game Genie

  • The Internet Polygonic

    Actually beat it in 22.83... I dont have a vid but i did took a screenie... Also I dont believe that 18 and 19 second run... They looked like they have been hacked and 18 second run didnt even show the full vid... And they actually confirmed that as a VALID ATTEMPT??? IT WASNT EVEN THE FULL VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!

  • England Daniel Jackson

    I thought he must have used Debug mode but then i noticed there was no glitch in the score. Then again, this guy is a sonic hacker so..... FAKE.

  • United States hfactor66

    I also highly doubt this is real. As a member of a competitive gaming site called TSC, The Sonic Center, this record would overtake #1 by over a second, a likely would be followed up with a BS call. I read in the comments that on this guy's YouTube channel he is a Sonic hacker, so this shouldn't be the official world record.

  • United States hfactor66

    this isn't really fair to everyone using time attack mode because that just says 0:19, but for all we know, on time attack mode that could be 0:19.99. It should be a rule that you have to be playing on time attack mode.

  • The Internet ZepaeR

    its obv a cheat, but the admins on this website are shit and have shown their incompetence multiple times by allowing incorrect levels and fake times to be the record. i gave up about 9 months or so ago but this is my new best time

    • The Internet Damon Greene

      Yeah, obviously troll video. saw your latest, nice stuff glad to see you beat that 22.90 from way back. shame kids these days don't have the talent to post legit scores these days.

  • United States Raymond Liu

    Hey guys, i dont have solid evidence, but please listen. Im extremely positive that this is hacked. If you go on his youtube channel (muttthebutt) then you will find out that he is indeed a sonic hacker.

  • The Internet Alex ron

    It should show the full gameplay. He chold have cheated

  • United States Josh Jones

    This needs a reversal. game has been paused as he gives his introduction. Shows absolutely no gameplay other than being at the finish line...We have no idea if a glitch or any cheat was used.

  • The Internet ZepaeR

    my best time is 22.93, this guy starts wrong just like all you noobs. i cannot record my attempts but here is a screenshot of my time trials. played on a iphone 4

  • The Internet William

    excelente, mas acho que fui melhor, meu tempo é 24:63s vc fez o trajeto identico e no mesmo tempo q eu, exceto pelo ultimo salto após o túnel.

  • United States Michael Sroka

    Use a sega genesis, lame.

  • The Internet Jam Williams!/photo.php?fbid=10200799753730710&id=1069207784&set=a.2002943627778.120181.1069207784&__user=1069207784

    I think this may be the record

  • United States MaturedSinner

    A good start towards trying to break this record is by watching Charles Griffin's Sonic 1 run on SDA. In it, he gets a time of 0:25 on this stage.

  • The Internet Andy Shick

    39 seconds? I've beaten that plenty of times.

  • United States Simon Kirk

    Why don't you try record another attempt?

  • United States Matt Lascola

    Well, I beat it, and I'm glad. What sucks is right after this I decided to play this level again and got 27 seconds...

  • United States Michael Sroka

    gonna beat this tonight.

  • United States Tyler Furman

    The best advice I would give is know the level inside and out so you know the best times to jump and avoid wasting time because you hit a wall, rock, or a fish.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Tyler, any tips for people wanting to try and beat this record?

  • United States Stephen Kessler

    Sorry, for waving me hand in front of the camera near the end. I don't know what I was thinking lol

  • The Internet Ryan Soliwoda

    Could have shaved at least a second off if he hadn't hit that fish.

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