Record Broken!

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Most Back Flips On A BMX Bike In "Grand Theft Auto V: Online"

The Internet


Holiday, Florida, United States / October 8, 2013

Ian E. performed two back flips on a BMX bike in Grand Theft Auto V: Online.

- must follow RecordSetter video game rules
- must provide video evidence


Tags: gaminggamevideo gameonlinebikeback flipbmxGTAGrand Theft Auto

  • The Internet Michale Jackson

    Embark on an adventure as Carl “CJ” Johnson in GTA San Andreas. Set in the vibrant California of the 1990s, rise through the ranks, conquer the streets, and expand your criminal empire. Featuring upgraded graphics and smoother controls, the iOS version delivers an impeccable experience for both returning players and newcomers. GTA San Andreas free IOS at gtasanmobile

  • The Internet Hunter Tmifnfbwa

    If not how long cause I can do it

  • The Internet Hunter Tmifnfbwa

    Just wondering 1 min?

  • United States MaturedSinner

    Is there a better quality video for this? The one I see is very stuttered and only shows 1 back flip. Also, are there any restrictions to this record, such as back flips performed in a row, in a period of time, or just overall?

    • United States Jenn Wark

      Back flips are at :12 and :36.

      We generally don't add restrictions to the record unless the original record holder wants them in there -- as it is right now, to make it an even contest it would have to be in a single videoed sitting, that's all. Ian, want to weigh in?

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